Holonet Blast #59

Whooooooa we’re almost there! Happy Solo Week! By this time next week, we’ll all have seen Solo: A Star Wars Story. Who’s excited? I’M EXCITED. Okay. On with the news.

In news that is not actually news, there is no confirmed Lando film. Kathleen Kennedy was misquoted. As a friendly reminder, if the official website isn’t reporting it, don’t believe it. In other Lando related news, Jonathan Kasdan was recently quoted in an interview as saying that everyone’s favorite cape-wearing smuggler is pansexual. Your mileage may vary in regards of how excited this makes you (personally, I giggled with glee) but as a friendly reminder, the best representation is the representation that is made obvious on the screen.

Entertainment Weekly has a special edition Solo issue that likely has some neat little stories and tidbits.

Solo also screened at the Cannes Film Festival and honestly? The biggest news here is Thandie Newton’s dress because HOLY SITHSPIT LOOK AT IT! She saw her chance and she took it and walked the red carpet in a custom made dress with fabric printed with action figures of black characters in Star Wars including Finn, Lando, and Captain Panaka!

And finally… WE KNOW WHERE CELEBRATION IS and it’s in… Chicago? Yeah, we’re all surprised too. Regardless! Everyone here is super excited and can’t wait for the next galactic family gathering. Tickets will go on sale at 1pm Eastern on June 5th so have your credit cards ready.

And that’s it for this week! We’ll see you on the other side 😉