Holonet Blast #63

Hello again, friends! It’s time for our weekly roundup of news from a galaxy far, far away (and beyond!)

Jim Rash Talks Resistance

Actor/writer Jim Rash sat down with ET this week to talk about his recently released film Bernard & Huey (June 8). During the interview, there is a little talk about his character in Star Wars, Resistance. For those of you, like me, who are hungry and excited for any information we can get regarding the show, the Star Wars stuff begins about 5:50 into the video!

First Look at San Diego Comic Con Hasbro Exclusives

Entertainment Weekly got a sneak peek this week at some of the Star Wars exclusives coming to San Diego Comic Con from our friends at Hasbro. The two previewed collectibles are both iconic scenes from the franchise’s history of cool face-offs. The first captured the epic lightsaber battle between Rey and Kylo Ren in the snowy forest of Starkiller Base in The Force Awakens; the second a showdown between Han Solo and a mynock, famously occurring in the belly of a space slug in The Empire Strikes Back. These collectibles and more will be available exclusively to attendees at San Diego Comic Con. More info can be found HERE.

A Guide to the Galaxy

This week the folks at Fantasy Flight Games released a preview of the Star Wars Sourcebook to be included in the Star Wars Roleplay Game 30th Anniversary Edition. The Sourcebook, an update to the original 1987 release, goes in-depth on some of Star Wars’ most recognizable content including exacting detail on favorite starships and a guide to constructing accurate and believable alien characters. The Star Wars Roleplay Game 30th Anniversary Edition is available for pre-order HERE.

Wonder Woman 1984 Photos Looking Cool on Twitter

In a non-Star Wars, but still awesome development this week, cast and crew of the upcoming feature Wonder Woman 1984 gave us a look into the world of the film. Both Gal Godot (Wonder Woman) and director Patty Jenkins have tweeted stills from the film. The visuals are everything one might hope for from a comic book jaunt into the fabulous 1980’s and I cannot wait to see more! Read the tweets and see the pictures for yourself HERE (Patty Jenkins) and HERE (Gal Godot)!

That’s all there is from us this week. As always, be sure to send Star Wars and geek culture news tips to us here at Tosche Station, and May The Force Be With You!