Holonet Blast #65

It’s a little late (thanks, site issues!) but it’s time for this week’s Holonet Blast! And boy, is this week relevant to my interests.

The official site posted a new excerpt from Thrawn Alliances by Timothy Zahn, out on July 25, featuring Commander Mitth’raw’nuruodo of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force (call him Thrawn, please) with Jedi General Anakin Skywalker of the Republic. Not only that, but Del Rey announced that a convention exclusive version of the novel (autographed by Zahn!) will be offered at San Diego Comic Con, complete with a grand admiral insignia pin and tote bag. The exclusive cover shows Young (Hot) Thrawn with Anakin Skywalker in his Clone Wars era armor. I am a very big fan of this cover and will be posting a printout on my cubicle wall very shortly. Here it is on the right, in case you missed it (and because I want to look at it again).

Speaking of The Clone Wars and San Diego Comic Con, there will be a special 10th anniversary panel at San Diego Comic Con, hosted by Amy Ratcliffe. No details yet, but this will be one to attend for all fans of the animated series.

Star Wars won big at the Saturn Awards, with Rebels taking the prize for Best Animated TV Series and The Last Jedi winning Best Actor (Mark Hamill), Best Screenplay (Rian Johnson) and Best Editing (Bob Duscay). Congratulations to all the winners (especially Mark Hamill)!

In more news for Rebels fans, the fourth season will be released on Blu Ray July 31.

Want to learn some life and leadership lessons from Star Wars? DK Publishing has you covered. You can choose the light side and Be More Yoda or the dark side and Be More Vader, both by Christian Blauvelt.  Both books will be released on October 2.