Holonet Blast #71

It’s time for another weekly roundup of Star Wars news with the Holonet Blast! With Episode IX filming happening in earnest across the pond, expect a lot of tweets and updates from the set, accompanied by a rush of speculation about WHAT EVERYTHING MEANS. Last week, JJ Abrams showed us a picture of Finn in a vest? Maybe? This week, Brian Hezza tweeted about BB-8’s first day filming, while Mark Hamill teased followers with pictures of his dog, Millie, and himself in Prague.

Yes, I did spend a ridiculous amount of time wondering if Mark Hamill is filming scenes for IX in Prague, or if he was there for personal reasons before traveling to Pinewood. I have a brand, and I must stick to it.

While most of my attention is full-speed ahead of Episode IX, I’m also looking forward to Mur Lafferty’s novelization of Solo: A Star Wars Story, due in September. Barnes and Noble revealed their exclusive two-sided poster, featuring Han and crew on one side and Enfys Nest and her marauders on the other. There’s no guessing which side is my favorite.

That’s it for this week’s Holonet Blast. Here’s hoping we get more updates from the set next week. I need something to sustain me for the next year and a half.