Holonet Blast #76

It’s Monday so it must be time for a NEWSSS roundup!

This week was a bit of a “slowdown”, news-wise, but The Hollywood Reporter blessed us with some good Bob Iger #content. Matthew Belloni of THR discussed all kinds of good stuff–that is, if you think fewer Star Wars movies coming out is good. He also (unsurprisingly) touched heavily on the new Disney streaming service, which he hopes will be a direct competitor to Netflix, citing their content as a “quality play” rather than a “volume play”. There’s also a bunch of #MeToo questions and answers if you want to hear how the Big Boss of the biggest media giant is dealing with *gestures* all of that. He didn’t give us much we didn’t know about Star Wars or Marvel, but he did confirm that for Star Wars he wants to rein in how much content is coming out and how quickly it comes. As someone who actually liked Solo, I’m feeling mixed emotions, but hopefully the deliberate deceleration will bring more diversity on and off-screen.

For you Marvel-Stans out there, I’m told this week brought us an exciting trailer for Captain Marvel. My head remains firmly in the Star Wars clouds, so while I’m not a great person to form an opinion on this one, people sure seemed to be excited on Twitter!

Like I said, light news week; nevertheless, we persist.

Till next time!