Holonet Blast #77

Gooooooood morning Coruscant and welcome to another edition of the Holonet Blast in which there are a lot of very cool things.

First, Kathleen Kennedy will remain in charge of Lucasfilm for another three years despite what the random YouTube channels told us about her being fired. We at Tosche Station are definitely fans and can’t wait to see what else she brings to the galaxy far, far away.

It’s honestly a toss up as to which blew our minds more in terms of future Star Wars experiences: the Millennium Falcon ride details for Galaxy’s Edge or the forthcoming Vader Immortal VR experience from ILMxLab. Personally, I would like to experience both of those right now. Please and thank you.

In Resistance news, we got an extended sneak peak of the show and my hype levels are high. Very High. Because of Hype.

And finally, in sad news, the legendary Gary Kurtz passed away. He produced both A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back and was a key part of making Star Wars what it is. Our thoughts are with his friends and family.