Holonet Blast #83

Heeeeeello and welcome to another edition of the Holonet Blast that will not feature any casting discussion for The Mandalorian since they’re all still rumors! Remember kids: it’s not confirmed until it’s on Star Wars dot com.

In confirmed news, we got a TON of amazing new information about Galaxy’s Edge including new John Williams composed music for the parks!!! Honestly… just go read up about it. I can’t do it just. This came one day after blueprints for the hotel planned for Galaxy’s Edge in Disney World surfaced. Warning: there’s going to be a reeeeeally long waiting list given the hotel’s capacity.

The closer we get to Celebration Chicago, the more these new blasts will be filled with guest announcements and we’re already getting a few. The Second City will be gracing Celebration with their presence. I have no idea who that is aside from the blerb about them but some folks seemed pretty excited so yay! Rob Bredow, Head of ILM, was also announced as the very first guest.

And finally, in not!Star Wars but still pop culture relevant news, Stan Lee passed away last week. We here at Tosche Station are grateful for his contributions to the comic book and superhero world and our thoughts are with his family.