Holonet Blast #85

Happy Hanukkah to those that celebrate it and happy winter/summer depending on your hemisphere to those that don’t! Welcome to another addition of Holonet Blast!

On Friday, the first six shorts of Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures, a new animated series for little ones, premiered on the official site and on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel. The focus of the series is to “introduce the classic themes, pivotal moments, and iconic characters from the Star Wars saga to the next generation.” Keep an eye out for more shorts in December and regular releases in 2019.

In more somber news, Gloria Katz, Oscar-nominated screenwriter for Star Wars, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, American Graffiti, and many other films, has passed away at the age of 76. We wish the best to her family and loved ones during this time.

That’s it for this week, have a good one and, if you’re in the Anchorage area, remember to boil your water before using it until the water and waste systems are checked for earthquake damage and cleared as safe!