Holonet Blast #9

Things have slowed down on the news-front since Celebration, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have some news for you! (And in case you missed the madness… we got a The Last Jedi trailerRebels is ending after Season 4,  there was a bunch of publishing news, and holy crap Battlefront II!)

EPISODE IX HAS A RELEASE DATE! It will be coming to our eyeballs not December 2019 but instead May 24, 2019, and if you think people haven’t already spent a lot of energy trying to figure out what prompted the switch back to May releases you would be extremely wrong.

Oh, and according to the same release, the fifth Indiana Jones films will be coming out on July 10, 2020, with both Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg returning once more. But now that they’ve brought aliens into the picture, where else is there for Indy to go? We shall learn together.