Holonet Blast #90

It’s Monday–y’all know what that means! It’s the news! And golly gee willikers, there was some really cool news this week! Especially for Star Wars book nerds (like me & the rest of the @bookwarspod crew… and most of this network…)

But first, womp womp, Electronic Arts won’t be making that open-world Star Wars game you may have heard about (code-named Orca, which is kind of badass).  The company is, instead, focusing their efforts around the nearer future–a smaller project that will likely launch in late 2020. In the meantime, we still have Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order to look forward to, which is scheduled for fall 2019.

Back to the more positive side of things (read: NEW STUFF!) Marvel announced further details this week about about the one-shots set during the time of the original trilogy. This is the second of three series exploring the different eras of Star Wars, the first is Age of Republic (prequel-centric, available now), the third is Age of Resistance (sequel-centric, available later this year), and this, the middle of the trio, Age of Rebellion (set in the time of the original trilogy). The series will launch in April, and the titles that have so far been announced include Star Wars: Age of Rebellion – Princess Leia and Star Wars: Age of Rebellion – Grand Moff Tarkin.  Coming a little later in the series we’ll also get stories of this era for Han Solo, Boba Fett, Lando Calrissian, and everyone’s least-favorite Hutt, Jabba. Those are slated to come out in May, and we’ll get even more Vader and Luke (each with their own titular issues) in June.

The SUPER EXCITING LITERARY NEWS I alluded to in the intro comes from our friends at Del Rey and Marvel Comics–a crossover series set in the time of Alphabet Squadron!!! You guys, we’re so excited about this!!! There will be a comic mini-series that take place after Return of the Jedi. It’s called Star Wars: TIE Fighter and will launch in April. Expect it to cover the garbage fire the Empire became, from both the Rebels’ side, and the Empire’s. AHHHH! If you haven’t seen the cover art for these yet, do yourself a favor and CLICK THROUGH. (Editor’s Note: The lady on the cover is named Yrica Quell and she flies an x-wing and WE LOVE HER VERY MUCH!!) Also, we got the exciting news that Alexander Freed’s Alphabet Squadron WILL BE A TRILOGY!!! Perhaps best of all, Del Rey told us in a tweet that General Hera Syndulla (the mother of our beloved son, Jacen) will be there. If you know Kate of the aforementioned Book Wars Pod, you’ll be wholly unsurprising to hear she nearly collapsed from excitement when this news dropped. We can’t wait for this one. And the apparently other two. And the comic mini-series. Give us all the Star Wars.

And that’s the news! One not-so-fun thing and two VERY fun things. We’ll take it!