Hondo Caravan: Yoda and The End

There’s one last Lost Mission to watch as the Clone Wars and the Hondo Caravan draw to a close today.  We won’t keep you waiting though so let’s get right to Yoda’s adventure!

The Lost One
Just what happened to Jedi Master Sifo Dyas all those years ago?  The discovery of a crashed ship with Sifo Dyas’s lightsaber onboard kicks off a Jedi investigation into just what happened over a decade ago.  Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin, and the Jedi Council begin to delve into the layered tale.  By the end of the episode, they’ve learned that Dooku was involved in the creation of the clone army, something the Jedi agree to keep secret from everyone.

There’s something about these episodes that simply does not add up.  I was under the impression that Dooku left the Jedi order shortly after Qui-Gon died.  However, if Tyrannus is the one who killed Sifo Dyas BEFORE The Phantom Menace, that simply doesn’t add up.  I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of Dooku truly falling to the dark side before he’s given that final push.

All of that said, I do like how the episode and the start of the arc unfold.  It’s nice to see Yoda get more hands on with something besides teaching Younglings or sitting in a chair.  I’m also a fan of any time we get to see Dooku dueling because Form II is just so pretty watch.

My one concern for the arc is that the Jedi are going to learn far too much and their surprise in Revenge of the Sith will border on ludicrous.  But we’ll see what happens.

Okay, Yoda, seriously?  You hear Qui-Gon Jinn’s voice and you don’t recognize it until he identifies himself?  Seriously?

I’m fairly sure that “Awwwww it’s a big meditation group hug, IT’S SO CUTE” is not the reaction that the showrunners were going for with this scene.  Cheesiness aside, I do love how the show used the blurs of light from the speeders to show the passage of time.

There are a lot of things about this episode that I really like.  This episode (and probably this whole arc) seems to get Yoda in a way that only Yoda: Dark Rendezvous before it has.  Far too often, interpretations seem to neglect the playful part of his nature in favor of having him just, well, sit in a chair.  He asks Anakin for help deceiving the Council so he can get off planet because Anakin casually breaks their rules all the time.

I also love that Qui-Gon has him go to Dagobah.  I like that there’s a reason why he picked that planet to spend his exile aside from its utter remoteness.  Some people have said that they don’t like that he saw Order 66 while in the cave but I can shrug that off.  For me, I can brush that off as Yoda getting more of a sense of the Sith attacking and killing all of the Jedi than seeing particulars.  At the very least, it didn’t look like Anakin was visible.  The Jedi have known for years that the dark side has been gaining strength and so this just feels like a logical continuation.

Plus?  I’ll now giggle a lot the next time I see Empire Strikes Back because mentally, I’ll replace Artoo’s beeps with “Oh f#&! Not this place again.”

Okay, this episode was excellent.  I think it might be one of my favorites out of the entire show.  Well done, Filoni and company, well done.

Qui-Gon sends Yoda off to another planet to learn the secret to becoming one with the living Force after his death.  Clearly this is not an easy undertaking.

I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this episode.  There’s a tad too much mysticism in the episode with the weird glowy floating priestesses for my taste.  Don’t get me wrong: I’m enjoying the arc and a lot of it makes sense.  Actually, I started writing that sentence before the episode ended and I have to take back what I just said because the revelation that they’re dead made me like this episode a heck of a lot more.

In particular, I really like getting a closer look into Yoda’s psyche and seeing his fears and his wishes.  Granted, they’re not particularly surprising but it’s nice to see.  Plus, who wouldn’t love a world where Dooku never left the Order and Qui-Gon still lives?  There’s not much else that I can think of to say here.  This is a very visual episode that I feel like has to be experienced to really appreciate.

I did really appreciate the Ahsoka cameo though.  That was a pleasant surprise even thought it was a vision of sorts.

Before anyone says anything, just calm down about them calling Korriban Moraband.  It’s basically the same planet from what I can tell.  Names change.  Moving on.

As a whole, this arc is definitely a good one and a great way to end the Clone Wars.  That is, it’s a great way to end the series on a solidly good note.  As a series finale, it doesn’t serve nearly as well as The Wrong Jedi.  But it all really does work.  I like how we were able to see a confrontation between Yoda and Sidious without actually seeing a physical meeting between them.  That would’ve strained credulity a bit too much.  This was definitely a really well thought out journey and arc though and I definitely don’t feel like they’ve tried to explain the Force too much.

The only thing that bothered me is how Yoda’s visions were a bit too on the nose and reminiscent of events in Revenge of the Sith for my taste.  I feel like those glimpses might’ve given him enough information to conceivably put some of the pieces together.

Also, I think I spotted very faint Naboo crests on the half-cape that Sidious had on.  It was in a blink or you miss it sort of way but if I wasn’t hallucinating it, I’m very impressed that the artists thought to sneak it in.

All in all, a great arc to end the show experience with!

Wow.  That’s it.  That’s really it.  I’ve now watched all of The Clone Wars in four and a half months.  Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.  For me, this project has been a mixed bag of reactions.  I enjoyed more of it than I thought I would.  I disliked some arcs much more than I expected but that was counterweighted by enjoying arcs that I didn’t expect to enjoy.  And then, of course, there were arcs I knew that I’d dislike that I wasn’t fond of.

Overall though, I found The Clone Wars to be a very enjoyable experience and would definitely recommend it to those who’ve refrained from watching so far.  It might be a kids show but that doesn’t stop us adults from enjoying it.  The other advantage of the show is that because it has such a large cast, there are sure to be characters and storylines that appeal to everyone.

Unlike with the Waru Express, there’s not quite as much to say at the end of this journey.  My liver survived completely intact and if a storyline annoyed me, it was done in 22 or 44 or so minutes.  If anyone has any questions for me though, feel free to post them in the comments and I’ll be sure to reply!

So long Hondo!

8 thoughts on “Hondo Caravan: Yoda and The End

  1. Thanks for taking the time to review them all, Bria! I was wondering your thoughts on that post-brawl scene in the Clovis episodes of the Lost Missions. The one where Padme actually acknowledges that Anakin has abusive tendencies, and comes within an inch of the word “divorce.” I was floored; it was the first time I felt like I’d seen Padme as a person, outside of the politics and being Anakin’s love interest. It made me yearn for that Padme novel that’s never happened.

    • I’m glad you enjoyed! And hmm. You know, a lot of both of their behaviors felt very off in these episodes. I’m not saying that Anakin can’t be incredibly overbearing and a jerk because he absolutely can but it felt like the writers just turned it up to 11. As for Padme, her going to the opera with Clovis just felt stupid and unlike her. I am glad that she didn’t take his crap sitting down though and I absolutely join you in longing for a Padme book. Maybe we’ll get one some day!

  2. Pingback: The Hondo Caravan: Bria's Watching The Clone Wars | Tosche StationTosche Station

  3. Hi Bria! First of all, congratulations on getting through the whole series and the bonus content – I discovered TCW several months ago and still haven’t made my way through everything! (I should also add that I love the Waru Express posts – I’ve been using them as a guide for dipping a toe into the EU for the first time. And as entertainment when I want to see how ridiculous this franchise can get without the pain of actually reading some of the weirder stuff).

    Re. TCW, I guess I was just interested in the general wrapping up questions – so, what were the episodes (or arcs) that particularly stood out for you, and which new characters did you enjoy the most/feel were the best additions to the universe? On a less generic note, were there any issues/aspects of the saga you wish they had explored but didn’t?

    • Thank you very much for the compliments on both blog projects! I’m especially glad that some of my Waru pain can be helpful to others. :p

      As for episodes and arcs, I think the ones from the last two seasons stand out more to me than others for obvious reasons. If I have to pick though, anything with Hondo tended to be pretty entertaining. A lot of the Mandalorian stuff was neat but especially when they involved Bo-Katan. Aside from that… hmm… oh! The Asajj arc where she was trying to get revenge on Dooku was great as was the Citdael arc, the final Yoda arc, and the Onderon episodes in S5.

      New characters: Ahsoka. By far Ahsoka. As runners up, I’d say Captain Rex and Bo-Katan.

      I can’t really think of any off the top of my head? It’s more like I wished they’d done a bit less mystical things. It would’ve been nice to see some of the other Jedi more and to also see more of the politics side but I can see how that didn’t work for a kid’s show.

  4. P.S. One more thing – I was wondering what you thought of the show’s record as far as diversity is concerned? I confess that I tend to focus first and foremost on gender diversity, but I thought in that respect the show did a pretty good job. Obviously Ahsoka and Asajj were great, but I also liked the fact that more secondary characters such as Bo-Katan and Steela (who could very easily have been male) were instead depicted as women. In addition, I liked the fact that female characters were seen in a really wide range of roles (Jedi, bounty hunters, politicians, warriors, villains, slavers, scientists – even just ordinary citizens like Letta from the final Ahsoka arc). What are your thoughts, looking back at the series as a whole?

    • The short version is that I think they certainly made steps in the right direction but they could’ve gone a lot further. It would’ve been nice to see some human female Jedi out there fighting for the Republic too. Both Bo-Katan and Steela were great additions to the universe. So yeah. Big steps towards making things way more diverse but not perfect. I’m glad to see progress though.

  5. Great job going through the series, and thank you as always for your reviews. I always liked the Sifo Dyas explanation that other titles in the EU had suggested:

    1) Qui Gon is killed, Dooku is disillusioned
    2) Sidious starts recruiting Dooku while he is still a Jedi
    3) Dooku during this recruitment manipulates Sifo Dyas (who was an old friends of Dooku’s and already shared many of his concerns about the Republic and Jedi’s directions) into being the front person for creating the Clone Army
    4) As Sidious is want to do, he then makes killing Sifo Dyas Dooku’s “Sith trial” to not only lock in Dooku and give him his Darth title, but also to take care of a now loose end
    5) Dooku leaves the Jedi order formally, already being a Sith…

    This EU explanation can be more or less applied to the CW episode and still hang…

    I’m not sure what the think about the last three episodes, though. It felt like a totally different show and sci-fi universe. I don’t have a problem with Yoda seeing all of the Order 66 and other visions. They were really fast and Yoda saw a LOT of visions during these episodes, so he had no more reason to think they were more “real” than any other, and Qui Gon even says that everything he saw, while already happening, is always avoidable.

    Actually, Yoda seeing all of this explains a lot to me regarding his surprisingly calm and unsurprised attitude in ROTS, which I chalked up initially to Jedi calm while watching the fim, but these episodes existing explain his attitude far better.

    Also, during the episode when Yoda is hopping on the floating lilly pads, reminding the glowing witch that he is, after all, a Jedi Master and he’s ready for anything, was I the only one who heard Sidious saying in my mind, “Your arrogance blinds you Master Yoda”?

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