Updated: JJ Abrams Rumored to be Directing Episode VII

It’s time for another round of Episode VII director rumors.  The Wrap is reporting that JJ Abrams has been tapped to direct Episode VII despite saying last year that he would not be.  The source for this information has not been named although the source does say that Ben Affleck was in the running for the job/

The Hollywood Reporter is also saying that Abrams will be at the directing helm of the new film as is Variety.

As a reminder, nothing is confirmed UNTIL we hear it from the Official Star Wars website announces and therefore confirms the news.

Update 6pm EST: George Lucas’s son just tweeted saying that “J. J. Abrams will do wonders!”

Update 6:21pm EST: Entertainment Weekly and Yahoo also reporting this as are numerous other websites.  There is still no source for the news and EW cites the original Wrap article in their piece.

Update 8:51pm EST: Rolling Stone has also picked up the story but has also cited the Wrap article.  Still nothing from Lucasfilm.

One thought on “Updated: JJ Abrams Rumored to be Directing Episode VII

  1. I love that most the updates point out that news sites are just citing each other and have no official confirmation. I wish more sites did so.

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