Joss Whedon Returning for ‘Avengers 2’ and … A TV Series!?

Sitting down? Good. Brace yourself. Marc Graser with Variety just dropped this bombshell from Disney:

First off, great news that Avengers 2 will keep on running with Joss at the helm. Second, Joss heading back to TV? Be still my beating fandom heart!

This sounds like it’s the TV show that was rumored to be in the works last week. While it wouldn’t feature any of the current Avengers (because wow that would be an expensive TV series), it looks like it’s going to feature Joss Whedon’s flair for episodic television. Perhaps S.H.I.E.L.D the television series? Given that this is Joss, I’m holding out hope for something featuring Carol Danvers.


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