This is Madness: Wes Janson wants you to vote #TeamWedge

I’m Wes Janson, and I want you to vote Wedge Antilles.

As official spokesperson of #TeamWedge, it’s my solemn duty to campaign for the stalwart commanding officer of Rogue Squadron. Now, Wedge is a pretty humble guy. He’d never campaign for himself (unlike some other folks) and would rather let his actions speak for themself.

I, however, have no qualms about bragging on Wedge’s behalf.

Look at this soldier.

He’s the picture of calm. When everyone’s freaking out over Endor, Wedge is sitting back in his X-Wing and says “Yeah, I got this.”

Did I mention that was the second Death Star that Wedge went up against? That’s right, Vote Wedge Antilles, because Death Stars are no match for him.

Need to sack Coruscant? Vote Wedge Antilles. Need to hunt down an Imperial warlord while disguised as a pirate (That’s right, Wedge is both a Rebel hero AND a pirate)? Vote Wedge Antilles. Need Corellia’s most eligible bachelor three years running? Vote Wedge Antilles.

Now, we’ve got nothing against Hondo, but there’s no getting around his choices are suspect. Vote for a protocol droid instead of gazillion time combat ace Wedge Antilles? That’s just crazy talk.

Vote Wedge Antilles, because he makes Death Stars go supernova. But if you don’t believe me, maybe you’ll listen to this guy…

As for the rest of your play-in votes…

You’re going to want to go Ahsoka Tano over the other Jedi. She stood up to the entire Jedi Council and resigned to do what was right. Wedge Antilles has done that a time or two. Besides, I heard that Mace Windu guy was kind of a jerk.

In the Imperial play-in round, there’s really no good choices because who wants to vote for those bucketheads? But if you have to, go with Admiral Piett, because nothing says Imperial leadership like assuming command by default.

Finally in the bounty hunter play-in, go with Dengar, because headgear is cool.

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