Mercy Kill is coming…

Tomorrow, folks: tomorrow (!!!) marks the long-awaited return to the X-Wing series with X-Wing: Mercy Kill by fan-favorite author Aaron Allston. And, understandably, the EU blogosphere has been very excited. We here at Tosche Station have been looking back on the classic novels in preparation for tomorrow’s release. Look for our final retrospective on Starfighters of Adumar by Emily later today. If you want to start your own retrospective, you can purchase a nine-book bundle of the classic novels, available for Kindle and other ebook formats.

For those of you who just can’t wait until tomorrow, Suvudu released the first 50 pages of Mercy Kill as part of their 50 Page Fridays feature. (I am resisting and haven’t read it yet, although that might change today.) And, of course, the Star Wars Books Facebook page has given us several mini-excerpts throughout the summer. This month’s Star Wars Insider also has an interview with Aaron Allston as well as a short story (with art!) featuring Myri Antilles, written by Karen Miller.

Early reviews have been popping up as well. Check out reviews from Knights Archive, Lightsaber Rattling, Big Shiny Robot, and the Star Wars Report. They’re mostly spoiler-free and mostly positive. Roqoo Depot also has a nice summary of one of Mercy Kill‘s main characters, the scientifically-altered Gamorrean named Voort saBinring, also known as Piggy.

And if you really can’t wait for the novel, go back and check out our interview with Aaron Allston, where he reveals some insights about what it was like to return to Wraith Squadron after 13 long years.

Amazon tells me that my copy is in the mail. I’ll probably also buy the Kindle version so I can sneak peeks during breaks at work tomorrow. I’m so excited! Are you? These guys are:

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