Mercy Kill Review Roundup From Around the Blogosphere

The reviews are in, and it looks like Mercy Kill is faring very well with readers around the blogosphere. We’ve gathered up some of the reviews and impressions from various Expanded Universe fansites and personalities. As always, venture into the reviews at your own risk if you haven’t read the book yet! If you’ve got a review you’d like us to add to this list, feel free to leave a comment in this post.

So. Have you picked up your copy of Mercy Kill yet?

6 thoughts on “Mercy Kill Review Roundup From Around the Blogosphere

  1. Hey guys two of your links are wrong. The first link is actually to a review of Rouge Squadron not Mercy Kill and Peter’s review actually links to Aaron Goins’ review.

  2. I got Mercy Kill yesterday and managed to read through. The plot can be a bit confusing, especially if one is trying to read the book in one go like I did, but as a whole it was a very nice change from the exasperation, disdain and constant facepalms reading post-HoT books has caused me over the last decade. Finally a book that isn’t drowning in pointless and badly executed character deaths, that isn’t swarming with force users or dealing with galaxy-wide crises. THANK YOU AARON!

    Now, the only problem I’ve got is to figure out how to incorporate the small snippets we saw of a certain shuttle pilot’s life in my own DonoSlane Excursion fanfics. *insert pondering smiley here*

    • Nice! It’s about time us pilotfic writers/readers have something new to love, instead of just dribbles that Aaron can sneak into the mainstream stuff…

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