New Footage in ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ International Trailer

And here’s the international trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness, featuring some new footage. Of coure, right now we’d all like J.J. Abrams to just come out and say what we all already know. Khan. Cumberbatch is playing Khan. Just say it already. SAY IT.

3 thoughts on “New Footage in ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ International Trailer

  1. Actually, the fact that Cumberbatch is “one of our top agents” suggests something else–again, perhaps the other option, Gary Mitchell?

  2. I’m actually starting to think that it almost doesn’t matter who Cumberbatch is playing. I agree with Emily that it seems unlikely to be Khan, but if it’s Gary Mitchell, then it certainly isn’t the one from TOS pilot. Ultimately, the character, even if its a name that we can recognize, will be so fundamentally different than what we’ve seen before, that if it is either of those characters, it still effectively isn’t those characters.

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