R.A. Salvatore on Fan Fiction

Over on Reddit today, former Expanded Universe author R.A. Salvatore is conducting an Ask Me Anything. One intrepid redditor asked the author his thoughts on fan fiction in light of the hardline stance other authors have taken against it (*cough*GRRM*cough*). His response? Rather positive.

I am supposed to tell you that it’s evil and wretched and destroys anything and everything I’ve ever tried to accomplish.

Truth is, this is supposed to be fun and entertaining, and when I hear about fan fiction using my characters, or when I see variations of my characters running around in an MMO, I think it’s the coolest thing ever. Truly flattering. Now, I can’t read the fan fiction, for obvious reasons, nor can I consider it “canon,” but I’m still flattered.

What a remarkably positive and honest answer! To read his answers to other questions (and perhaps to ask your own), head over to his AMA thread.