Rebels Review: Legacy of Mandalore

Listen. I know that I have a Mandalorian bias and an even stronger Sabine Wren bias but “Legacy of Mandalore’” is an incredibly solid follow up to “Trials of the Darksaber” and it’s a damn shame they were split up by the break. It’s also a damn shame that we won’t be seeing much of Sabine for the foreseeable future while she tries to help clean up Mandalore and help free her people from the Empire’s choke hold.

It’s not a very happy homecoming for Sabine as her clan initially starts shooting at her when the Phantom appears in Clan Wren space. The episode goes pretty much how you’d expect from there including an awesome duel between Sabine and Gar Saxon. It doesn’t matter if the plot is predictable though because this is a continuation of Sabine’s story as she confronts both her past and her family and finds a new way forward.

There’s a lot to like in “Legacy of Mandalore.” Not only do we meet Sabine’s mother and brother but we also get a real game changer. It’s a nice change to see a mother/daughter relationship and everything about Ursa and Sabine’s conversations just felt so real. It makes me want to see more of how things were between them and between Sabine and her brother Tristan before she designed the weapon. Countess Ursa Wren, by the way, is a total badass who’s also very pragmatic. Hopefully we’ll see more of her. (And a lot more of the forthcoming fight for Mandalore in general!) Filoni also takes the time to flesh out Mandalore a little more and emphasizes its more courtly structure than what we saw in Legends. Gar Saxon’s hostage taking is the perfect touch and makes you wonder how many of his other supercommandos are there because they must be and not because they believe in the cause.

The other big strength of the episode is the ending battle as the Wrens and company face off against Saxon and his men. It’s oddly satisfying to watch Ezra toss his lightsaber to Sabine and it all feels like the culmination of not just this mini story arc but also the relationship between the two characters over three seasons. Plus? It’s a really cool fight scene!

There are only two things that I didn’t like about the episode. (Three if you count that we won’t be seeing Sabine much anymore.) I truly think that she should have been the one to kill Gar Saxon. That was a duel according to their customs for their people and it should have ended as such. Mandalorians don’t have to keep to the same code as Jedi. I’m also a little… uncomfortable with some of the implications from interviews. Apparently Clan Wren was one of those conquered by the “more rightfully Mandalorian” clans. While that’s fine in a vacuum, it’s off-putting when those Mandalorians tend to look very Nordic while the Wrens are people of color.

Some assorted thoughts:

  • Freddie’s delivery of “Ezra. Less is more.” was perfection.
  • It’s awesome to hear Mando’a!
  • I think the Emperor’s Hand namedrop was just that: a drop and a nod.
  • Hey ner vode: try fighting with your buckets on occasionally
  • Are there any Mandalorian clans that held out and didn’t align themselves with Saxon?
  • Predicting it now: Sabine may want to find someone else to be Mandalore but she’s going to go through a reluctant leader story arc.

Overall, “Legacy of Mandalore” is a pretty great episode with only a few flaws. It’s actually so good that I’m reluctant to return to the Ghost. Just give me a spinoff show all about Clan Wren. I promise to watch every week.

One thought on “Rebels Review: Legacy of Mandalore

  1. In the episode “Imperial Super Commandos”, Gar Saxon asks Sabine if she believes she’s a “Loyalist”.

    This indicates that at least some Mandalorians are still holding out against throwing in completely with the Empire.

    Sabine wasn’t ever going to just kill Saxon once he was down, injured and (she thought) disarmed. That’s classic: “If you kill him, you’ll become (or start your fall towards becoming) just like him”. Shooting back at stormtroopers, even setting booby traps for armed imperiasl enemies is one thing; that’s even more unambiguously “dark” than Ezra’s mind control of the walker pilot. They were at least still in combat at the time.

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