Remaining Clone Wars content targeted for early 2014

tcw_s5logo_smAccording to former Clone Wars showrunner Dave Filoni, Lucasfilm is targeting early 2014 for the release of the show’s remaining bonus content.

Star Wars fans – I have some exciting news! We have wrapped production on all of the remaining Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes, and while that might be sad news in one way, it’s good news in another. It means you will finally get to see them. When, exactly, is a detail I cannot yet share. I can confirm that in early 2014 you will be watching the final episodes of The Clone Wars, including one of Master Yoda’s most challenging missions. So, get ready. We’ve got Clone Wars and Rebels coming at you in 2014. Animated Star Wars is alive and well. Trust in the Force my friends.
– Dave

Still no word on exactly how this content will be released (As Club Jade reminds us, Pablo Hidalgo said Lucasfilm was looking at “out-of-the-box” ideas for distribution at D23), but at least there’s a window to look forward to. The content will get out there, it’ll just take a little bit more patience.