Replace the Catsuit: Costume Entry from Sarah

We’ve got another entry today in our Replace Mara’s Catsuit contest! This costume comes courtesy of reader Sarah. Her description:

Hello Tosche Station,

In just under the wire.

This is my entry for the Replace the Cat Suit Contest.

I decided to create something I thought Mara would have worn in her Smugglers’ Alliance days working with Karrde after The Last Command. It’s a flight suit with a jacket. The colour was chosen for its practicality as it will not show dirt easily and I expect this is slightly before the fabulous Scotch-guarded outfit she wears in Vision of the Future. Also, Mara, no doubt, knows that green is a good colour for her.

I was influenced by the uniforms of the Rebel Alliance in Return of the Jedi and the Swarm War cover image on her Wookiepedia entry – which is one of my favourite existing images of her. I also pulled in some Firefly influences in the creation of the jacket with a slight Asian flavour to the collar and torso and then lacing on the sleeves for the pirate/smuggler side of things. She is wearing the Smuggler’s Alliance logo as well.

My key elements were pockets as I can’t imagine Mara without them, and sleeves loose enough to hide a blaster in.

The hair is too dark, I know, but that was the wig my budget allowed for.



You had me at Firefly influences, Sarah. Thank you for submitting! Remember, you’ve got until 11:59 Pacific tonight to get your entries in.


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