Replace the Catsuit: The Winners

More sleeves!

Darren Tan’s illustration that will be appearing in the ‘Star Wars: Essential Reader’s Companion’

Discussions were had, comments were tallied, and the verdict is in. We’ve got winners in our Replace Mara’s Catsuit contest!

I should probably start by saying that selecting winners for this contest was really hard. All of the Tosche Station staff spent a good chunk of yesterday going over each entry and factoring in feedback from comments. We came to a consensus on the overall winner pretty quickly, but picking out who also should earn prizes was no easy task. In the end, we decided that there were too many solid entries for this contest. So we added a fourth prize slot that will also be receiving a copy of Allegiance by Timothy Zahn. Even then, some great entries just missed the cut.

Also as a note, Bria’s entry was taken out of the running because we brought her on as a writer last week, which is a bummer because the rest of the staff thought her costume was awesome.

The Tosche Station Staff does want to give a big thank you to everyone who entered the contest. The path to getting Mara new iconic outfits and images is a tricky one, but raising awareness that we can do better than the catsuit is a necessary first step. With any luck, the entries submitted for this contest can be a stepping stone to doing just that.

That said! Here are the winners in ascending order. To the jump!

Fourth Place: Sarah’s Costume entry

Nanci and I both loved this costume for, as Sarah put it, the Asian/Firefly influences. It looks good, it’s functional, and in my mind it fits the Star Wars universe quite well. And pockets! Sleeves! It makes a whole lot of sense, and it looks pretty cool.

Third Place: Blizz’s Art Entry

This one got a lot of love in the comments, and for good reason I think. This entry screamed function and utility and is the exact sort of thing I can see Mara wearing on Myrkr.

Second Place: Robert’s Art Entry

Link to the PDF here.

Bria and Emily made a strong case for why this entry should come in second-place. Admittedly, this was a tough choice. We went back and forth as to whether this piece or Blizz’s art entry should take the second-place prizes, but were ultimately won over because this was probably the most unique entry submitted. This combat armor seems like the precise thing Mara would be wearing during the New Jedi Order years, providing the kind of protection, utility, and practicality a former Emperor’s Hand would be looking for in the field of combat.

First Place: Gorram Girl’s Art Entry

It became apparent rather quickly in the process yesterday that we had a runaway winner on our hands. Factoring the thoughts from the staff as well as feedback from reader comments, one entry kept popping up at the top of the list, and it was this entry by Gorram Girl.

Once again, it places an emphasis on functionality, but we were caught completely off-guard by how beautiful the piece was. I know when we originally received it a few months ago, Nanci and I were impressed by how striking the bottom-right image in particular was. The headscarf was a brilliant touch.


Congratulations winners! Please e-mail your contact/shipping information to Your prizes will be arriving via Amazon. As a note, if you would prefer your prize as a Kindle ebook rather than a physical copy, we can attempt to do that as well.

And again, a big thank you to everyone who entered the contest. We loved every art piece and costume submitted and selecting the winners was no easy task.

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