Gut reaction: did we like the Season 1 finale?
Bria: Yes! I feel like we all had suspicions that this was where they were headed from the start and they did not disappoint.
Kate: Definitely. It was everything I wanted going into the episode.
Kate: Definitely. It was everything I wanted going into the episode.
Chris: Absolutely loved it – my favorite Star Wars content since The Last Jedi.
Manda: Yes. It was practically perfect in every way.
Nanci: Yes. It provided some much needed “what’s happening in the rest of the Galaxy” context.
How do we feel about them splitting up the finale over two weeks?
Bria: It actually made me think of the Season 4 premiere for Star Wars Rebels in a way. Some of us saw the first half of the premiere at Celebration… and then had to live with the pain of those “deaths” for AGES. Within a few minutes of the second half, it was revealed that everything was okay. Obviously, everything was not okay here because Hosnian Prime was most definitely exploded but having to sit with the weight of Kaz seeing his homeworld blow up for a week helped give the emotional ramifications time to really sink in.
Kate: I agree with Bria that the little break between parts helped the details sink in. Plus, it made me even more eager to find out what would happen next. Existential anxiety about my precious Star Wars children aside, the split reminded me of those dreaded “To Be Continued…” messages in my favorite childhood cartoons. Those absolutely made the storylines stick in my little developing brain!
Kate: I agree with Bria that the little break between parts helped the details sink in. Plus, it made me even more eager to find out what would happen next. Existential anxiety about my precious Star Wars children aside, the split reminded me of those dreaded “To Be Continued…” messages in my favorite childhood cartoons. Those absolutely made the storylines stick in my little developing brain!
Chris: I don’t really have too many strong feelings about it – I was certainly surprised, particularly after season 4 of Rebels where we had a lot of two-part episodes toward the end, and from a personal standpoint it made it harder to wait for resolution to certain plotlines, but I do think the delay forced the showrunners to craft episodes that were more complete in-and-of-themselves, which has its own benefits.
Manda: I wasn’t sure about it until I re-watched both parts back to back. I think the difference in how the story resonated for me with the wait between episodes versus what it felt like to watch it all in one chunk brings me down firmly on the side of being pro two-parter. The ache was real and it was satisfying. And the resolution was all that much more satisfying as a result.
Nanci: So I waited to watch both parts back to back, partly because of being busy and partly because I didn’t want to have to wait a week between episodes. Other than having to dodge some spoilers, I was very glad I waited. I’m not a fan of splitting up shorter episodes and would have preferred they just aired a longer, hour-long finale. That said, they chose the perfect spot to split the episodes. Ouch.
What do we think the finale did well?
Bria: This is so cheesy but I really loved that we saw everything and everyone come together from Team Fireball to the Aces to the Pirates. *makes hand hearts at Hype Fazon* Also every single scene with Agent Tierny was just *chef kiss*. Oh and that space battle! And also Kaz but more about that below.
Kate: I adored the dogfight. For the entire sequence, I was holding my breath, just as I did the first time I watched the Battle of Coruscant in Revenge of the Sith or Poe’s fancy maneuvers at the beginning of The Last Jedi. The franchise has always prided itself on fantastic visuals, and that’s definitely carried over to the cartoons. I love the visual style of Resistance, and I thought the bright colors and animation style really helped the battle pop off the screen.
Kate: I adored the dogfight. For the entire sequence, I was holding my breath, just as I did the first time I watched the Battle of Coruscant in Revenge of the Sith or Poe’s fancy maneuvers at the beginning of The Last Jedi. The franchise has always prided itself on fantastic visuals, and that’s definitely carried over to the cartoons. I love the visual style of Resistance, and I thought the bright colors and animation style really helped the battle pop off the screen.
Chris: Everything? Seriously, I was giddy at the end of this episode. I thought that Kaz’s character development was great, there were truly incredible voice-acting performances from pretty much every member of the cast, and I even thought Neeku’s comic relief (which I haven’t always loved so far) hit the exact right tone to keep things serious but light-hearted. And that dogfight. Oh man, that dogfight.
Manda: I agree with Bria that Agent Tierny was brilliant and perfect. I also really loved the surprise element of the Colossus being spaceworthy and having a hyperdrive. Taking the battle to space the way they did made me positively gleeful and the sequence in space was as good as it gets. Also, every moment of the tension between Tam and the rest of our heroes was as impactful as anything I’ve seen on live-action television.
Nanci: Obviously my answer is going to be the pew pew. One of my disappointments of the show so far has been not getting to learn more about the pilots. When Resistance was announced, I was hoping there would be more flying and pilot camaraderie, but other than Torra the Aces have pretty much been relegated to backstory. The Aces all flying together in the finale, and Hype’s return, was such a satisfying payoff. I really hope we see more of the Aces next season, and they come together as their own sort of Black Squadron. The Resistance needs pilots, right? I also loved all the tension with Tam and her choice to join Tierny.
What didn’t work as well?
Bria: Ugh I hate to even say this but Neeku. I found myself increasingly irritated by him in the second part of the episode. Jumping to hyperspace before inputting all of the coordinates is a very bad idea, friend.
Kate: Y’all are really just gonna kill Vonreg like that, huh?
Kate: Y’all are really just gonna kill Vonreg like that, huh?
Chris: Agreed that I was surprised they wasted a character like Vonreg this early, but he was always more “mysterious promise” than actual character. For me, it was less about what didn’t work, and more about what was missing – to me, that’s the development of the series villains, and the finale was no exception. After building up Vonreg and Pyre all season, the former dies and the latter is relegated to shooting at spies instead of having any real dialogue, and while I can’t wait to find out more about Agent Tierney, she’s still a bit of a mystery. Still, there’s plenty of time for that in season 2, when I expect Tam will give us an up-close-and-personal view of the First Order.
Manda: I feel like the pacing between the first and second episodes could have been a little more even. I felt like the first of the two was a bit less emotionally dynamic than the second (although the ending was very intense). Crafting a pair of complete and satisfying arcs that work together as a unit, and doing so in the space of half-hour episodes is a challenge that I think the writers will only get better with over time. But that’s a real nit-pick- I was pretty impressed overall.
Nanci: I’ll agree with the others who expressed disappointment in the First Order antagonists. They’re all good characters, but the problem is there’s really no one focus. No one Big Bad. I’m glad Kaz took out Vonreg, but having him be the Big Bad over the season would have given that death more weight. Tierny is a great character, but I feel like she came in too late, that perhaps her and Pyre’s characters could have been combined. (Or Pyre wasn’t necessary at all.) Hopefully they’ll improve on this for Season 2.
Kaz has been on one heck of a journey since we first met him in the premiere. How do we feel about where the show has taken him?
Bria: Kazuda Xiono is a Very Good Boy and I would defend him with my life! While he’s always been brave and ready to sacrifice himself to help others, he’s definitely struggled a lot this season because he was neither cut out to be a spy nor was he given any training for it. He’s a kid with a privileged upbringing, thrust into a situation he wasn’t prepared for, and he’s just doing his best. Is the boy a klutz and a bit of a mess at times? Yes but there’s also no one you’d rather have looking out for you and I loved that his progression was slow yet steady. It felt real. That all culminated in these two episodes where he has to watch as his homeworld is blown up. And then he does what only Leia Organa has managed before him: gets right back up and keeps fighting. That absolutely solidified my love of him forever.
Kate: I’ve always found Kaz an endearing character; his earnestness and his drive to do good are reminiscent of Luke Skywalker in A New Hope, and these characteristics, I think, make him relatable to young children just getting into Star Wars through Resistance. Over the course of the season, however, we’ve definitely seen him lose a bit of his innocence. It’s one thing to know that the First Order is bad, but it’s very different seeing their brutality first-hand. We’ve seen this building throughout the occupation of the Colossus, and Kaz has increasingly grown his serious side as a result.
Kate: I’ve always found Kaz an endearing character; his earnestness and his drive to do good are reminiscent of Luke Skywalker in A New Hope, and these characteristics, I think, make him relatable to young children just getting into Star Wars through Resistance. Over the course of the season, however, we’ve definitely seen him lose a bit of his innocence. It’s one thing to know that the First Order is bad, but it’s very different seeing their brutality first-hand. We’ve seen this building throughout the occupation of the Colossus, and Kaz has increasingly grown his serious side as a result.
Chris: I agree with everything the two brilliant ladies above me have said – Kaz’s development has been surprisingly complex and impressive this season. I’ve made this observation more than once in my reviews this year, but to me it’s just a complete opposite of Rebels‘ Ezra Bridger, who, in my opinion, had the exact same flaws in the series finale that he did in the premiere. I love that Kaz has grown so much, and still has so far left to go (learning to grieve, dealing with Tam’s betrayal, and becoming a better spy), and I can’t wait to watch him get there.
Manda: I will admit that I didn’t like Kaz much when we first met him. He seemed so self-important, overconfident, and like just the kind of personified privilege that I did not need any more of in my life. But as I started thinking more about his upbringing, his background, and what I knew was in store for him, I started to see parallels with Leia’s journey- so I decided to give him a chance. And I’m so glad I did. He’s gained skill and competence and has found his feet as part of the team; he’s formed meaningful relationships and really come into his own. I love how much he’s grown and I look forward to where he’s headed.
Nanci: Kaz is a member of the Good Soft Boy Club. I love his earnestness, and his sincerity. He can be obnoxious, but he’s always trying. He’s a terrible spy but that’s more Poe’s fault than his. He’s grown a ton over the season, learning to be out of his element and become his own person. I loved that he got to fly again in the finale and show what he’s really made of. After fumbling for so long, it was a pleasure to see him succeed and become part of a larger team. It will be interesting to see how he deals with the fallout of Hosnian Prime going forward. I really want him to get to have a face-to-face conversation with Leia.
Let’s talk about Tam. How do we feel about her decision to go with Agent Tierny to the First Order?
Bria: YES LET’S PLEASE TALK ABOUT TAM. Over in our Patreon Slack (shameless plug!) Chris and I talked about what where we hoped to see Tam’s story go after the first half of the finale and I have no shame in admitting that I punched the air and went YES when she took Tierny’s hand. Not only am I happy because I think this means we’ll get more Tierny but I love the potential for where this story might go. It makes absolute and complete sense that Tam would go to the First Order. Think about it: Kaz and Yeager have kept her out of the loop and lied to her for ages and then along comes Tierny who treats her kindly and with respect and offers her the truth for once. Add that to how Tam already leaned towards the First Order and she doesn’t know about Hosnian Prime yet and her decision made perfect sense. I just wasn’t sure they’d actually go through with it. But I am HERE FOR IT. In all seriousness, I love this because of the storytelling potential it has. I can’t really recall ever getting a story where we see a non-Force using good guy go over to the bad guys before so this feels surprisingly fresh and I can’t wait to see where it goes.
Kate: Oh, Tam. I saw this betrayal coming a mile away, but it still totally broke my heart. I love that the show makes crystal-clear that Tam isn’t evil; as Yeager says, she’s confused, she’s hurt by all the lies she’s been told by her found family, and she, like everyone else, just wants to make her dreams a reality. She’s the perfect example of how good people can come to do terrible things. I’m excited to see where her story will lead her, and I can only hope that it’ll be back into the loving embrace of Team Fireball.
Kate: Oh, Tam. I saw this betrayal coming a mile away, but it still totally broke my heart. I love that the show makes crystal-clear that Tam isn’t evil; as Yeager says, she’s confused, she’s hurt by all the lies she’s been told by her found family, and she, like everyone else, just wants to make her dreams a reality. She’s the perfect example of how good people can come to do terrible things. I’m excited to see where her story will lead her, and I can only hope that it’ll be back into the loving embrace of Team Fireball.
Chris: Honestly, I think it made sense for her! She doesn’t see the conflict as a fight between Good and Evil; she sees the practical impact of the First Order making the Colossus safer, and her friends lying to her and betraying her. Seeing what is both Star Wars’ first positive relationship* between a mother figure and daughter figure in Tierney and Tam, and what might be the first significant relationship between two black women (Jesus that’s so frustrating) was really satisfying to watch. From my own POV as the viewer, I still think Tam has a good heart and wants justice, so it will be interesting to see her spread her wings in the First Order, and then need to either come to terms with their atrocities or find her way out. Star Wars is overdue for a real redemption arc that doesn’t involve doing one single good deed before you die. (*You could potentially put Sabine and Ursa Wren from Rebels in this category as well, but they went through a lot of their own baggage before they reconciled, whereas Tierney and Tam, so far, have a totally positive relationship.)
Manda: I saw this one coming and yet it still gutted me. Tam making the decision to go along with Tierny makes perfect sense and was absolutely the right decision for the writers to make based on what we know is her personal truth. I can only hope next season shows Tam what she needs to see in order to understand the evil she’s stepped into and to spur her to her own resistance– because it next season sees her shot down by one of our heroes I will *riot*. I have loved seeing the First Order through Tam’s eyes; it serves as a reminder that evil doesn’t always look so bad to those on the outside. And I can only hope that Tam’s decision to join the First Order’s ranks will be the audience’s way into a deeper understanding of what the First Order is capable of.
Nanci: Like everyone else, I thought Tam’s choice made perfect sense even if I’m not happy with it. I’m happy with it from a storytelling perspective, but I really liked Tam and was saddened by her leaving her friends. That said, I’m hoping to see her come a pilot in the First Order and learning what they’re truly like, only return to her first Found Family.
Thoughts on Season 1 overall?
Bria: I really dug it! It definitely skewed a bit more towards younger audiences than the previous two shows but I think it absolutely found its stride. It was also refreshing to see an animated show that can stand on its own like this one did. I think they set up some really intriguing story threads and they went ways I didn’t expect. Also I really really love Torra Doza and want to protect her from the world.
Kate: I’m one of those people who truly love slow burns, and this first season has definitely been that. The writers have carefully laid out plot threads, character development, and ties to the larger Star Wars universe, and I think we’ll really see that payoff in the coming seasons. Plus, THANK GLOB for the beautiful, diverse cast we’ve been introduced to, and the diverse actors portraying them. These characters truly feel representative of the giant fictional galaxy they inhabit, as well as the audience watching at home.
Kate: I’m one of those people who truly love slow burns, and this first season has definitely been that. The writers have carefully laid out plot threads, character development, and ties to the larger Star Wars universe, and I think we’ll really see that payoff in the coming seasons. Plus, THANK GLOB for the beautiful, diverse cast we’ve been introduced to, and the diverse actors portraying them. These characters truly feel representative of the giant fictional galaxy they inhabit, as well as the audience watching at home.
Chris: To be honest, I came into Resistance thinking it would be fun, and not my thing, and that would be fine. I loved Rebels and didn’t expect that another show would give me so much satisfaction so quickly, especially during this point of the timeline. Boy, was I wrong. Resistance is quickly becoming my favorite Star Wars animation ever, and I think the new storytelling team behind it has found their stride – and what they want the character of the show to be – far quicker than Dave Filoni did in his previous outings.
Manda: I have enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Animation has never been my thing, and I really thought I’d be watching this only as a way to share Star Wars with my son. I have been pleasantly surprised to find myself invested in the show (and super invested in Tam/Synara) and looking forward to each episode on my own terms. The addition of Agent Tierny (I do love a good seemingly-likeable villain) gave me the final thing I needed to say I absolutely adore this show and I will forever be a devotee.
Nanci: I was very excited for an animated show that had no connections to previous shows and I was not disappointed. At times Resistance seemed like it had too many characters, too many plot threads, and wasn’t as cohesive as Season 1 of Star Wars Rebels. But in the end I think everything came together and really helped to expand the universe (ha ha) for the Sequel Trilogy era. I really enjoy these characters and can’t wait to see more of them.
What are our hopes and dreams for Season 2?
Bria: Tam in the First Order and slowly realizing that it’s not what she thought and then Kaz’ll slide in singing “How did we know that this plan would work? We had a spy on the inside. That’s right, TAMARA RYVORA!” (I know what I’m about, son.) I’m also glad that apparently we’ll be getting more of the Aces! Hype Fazon was painfully underutilized this season. I dunno if it’s because they thought we can’t handle the Hype or what but I look forward to seeing more of him. The show’s now in such uncharted territory with a ton of possibilities for next season that I suspect I’ll be happy with whatever hits our screens.
Kate: All good Star Wars stories are about relationships, and I’m excited to see the ones established in Season 1 deepen and grow. Like Bria, I need more of the Aces! And I want more Synara, too. Because obviously she has to go and get her girlfriend out of the First Order so they can ride off into the sunset. Don’t look at me like that, #Tanara is absolutely a thing and you heard it here first.
Kate: All good Star Wars stories are about relationships, and I’m excited to see the ones established in Season 1 deepen and grow. Like Bria, I need more of the Aces! And I want more Synara, too. Because obviously she has to go and get her girlfriend out of the First Order so they can ride off into the sunset. Don’t look at me like that, #Tanara is absolutely a thing and you heard it here first.
Chris: I’d like to see the show’s cast of characters continue to build out some of the more minor characters, as has been said above (seriously, you try going after these geniuses and finding something original to say. That’s right, you can’t). I think there’s so much potential there, and I love how much season 1 made such a large conflict feel so personal. With Episode IX likely to tackle the galactic scales of the conflict, I’d like to see Resistance stay small in that regard. Oh, and if we’re not on Batuu to start season 2, I’ll eat my metaphorical hat.
Manda: Kate said it already: #Tanara. I also want all the Agent Tierny I can get, please and thank you. I try not to think too hard about where the show might go because of how parallel they’re running to the film timeline at the moment. I look forward to more creativity and more surprises. The surprises– even when we’ve known all along where certain plotlines were bound to go– have been the highlight of the journey for me, and I want more.
Nanci: More Aces. More Kaz dealing with Hosnian Prime. More Yeager becoming a Leader with a Capital L in the Resistance. The Colossus (is it italicized? it’s a ship, right? or a station? or Zonoma Sekot?) coming together with the larger Resistance. Tierny as the Big Bad. Tam coming to terms with the First Order. A broadcast of Luke’s last stand on Crait. (What, you know what I’m about.)
And that’s it for Season One! Needless to say, we’re all very excited for not just Season Two but for what exciting new tidbits Star Wars Celebration may bring us next month.