Resistance Review: Rendezvous Point


(Unfollow me now, this episode is gonna be the only thing I talk about for the next week.)

Listen. Here at Tosche Station, we have an agenda and that agenda is Tamara Ryvora. We’re very subtle about it, I know. The point is… we’ve all very much missed having Tam involved in this show for the last few weeks especially given, as Chris pointed out last week, she is featured so prominently in the marketing for this season. I am pleased to report that the riot has been cancelled and she is indeed back this week in what just might be one of the best episodes of the show thus far.

The Colossus is under attack by the First Order and holds out as long as they can but soon they’re left with no choice but to jump to hyperspace… moments before Venisa Doza arrives in an x-wing. Yup, Torra’s mother finally makes an appearance over a year after she was first teased in Women of the Galaxy. Despite her best efforts, the First Order captures her and her droid Torch. Tam spots her and can’t shake the feeling that she knows her or something and breaks protocol to go and speak with Venisa who 100% has her number and starts poking and prodding at why Tam’s even with the First Order. With the help of Torch, Venisa escapes from first her cell and then the star destroyer in a beautifully explosive fashion while Tam remains behind with more questions and doubts than ever before.

“Rendezvous Point” puts the women in the spotlight and, as much as I love Kaz, this is to the episode’s absolute benefit. From the moment Venisa appeared on the screen, I loved her. Not only is she the epitome of cool but she has this spark and charisma about her that just draw you in immediately. After just 22 minutes, I suddenly find myself wanting to know everything about her and the rest of the Doza family. She’s a member of the Resistance and the work has taken her away from her family for years now but she clearly still cares deeply about them and given how much she knew about other people on the Colossus, it seems reasonable to assume she at least regularly keeps in touch with her husband and daughter. I also love the casual camaraderie and deep trust between Venisa and Torch. They’ve clearly gone through a lot together and their ability to pull off plans with just a few words is awesome. I desperately hope we see more of them both.

As mentioned before, this is also the episode that brings back Tam and who better for her to talk to than a woman who convinced an Imperial officer to defect? We’ve seen before that Tam isn’t 100% committed to the First Order yet even though she talks the talk but this is really the first time someone’s even somewhat gotten through to her. I think that everything Venisa says to her about how Yeager loves her like a father and how the First Order isn’t really what it seems are things that will sit in the back of her mind and eventually play a big role in bringing about her change of heart. (Heck, even Jace has a moment with Venisa where you can see his doubt.) Honestly, this episode just makes me wish we were seeing MORE of Tam even more than I was before because her episodes are just so damn good and I love getting to see that internal struggle.

Finally, we come to Torra who has a somewhat smaller part in this episode than the other two women but who gets some interesting character development as she talks to both Kaz and her father about her mother. She’s so good at putting on a brave face but it’s easy to see how disappointed she is by not getting to see her mother on this one day she could otherwise always count on. There’s even a moment that says a lot where she even almost pulls a Kaz but he’s there to stop her. (Their friendship really is an underrated aspect of the show.) I’d love it if we got more of the entire Doza family…

…which brings us back to Venisa Doza who I now love with all of my heart. Seriously: can we get more of her in this show? Or an entire book/show/comic all about her and her adventures for the Rebellion or the Resistance? Please?

Some assorted thoughts:

  • I really appreciated hearing a female stormtrooper this week ESPECIALLY in light of what’s occurring with… other Star Wars television shows.
  • BAKURA!!!!!
  • The Aces making Torra a cake for her birthday was so sweet. I want more moments like this!
  • Do Venisa and Sabine know each other? I really need them to be friends.

“Rendezvous Point” is by far my favorite episode of Season Two so far and absolutely sparked joy. Please give us more episodes like this one. And more Venisa Doza. I cannot stress that last point enough.