Resistance Review: Secrets and Holograms

Okay, it’s official: I have a Doza bias.

Torra is very tired of being confined to her room by her well meaning father. Kaz has been tasked by Poe to find out more about this potential deal between Captain Doza and the First Order. That same First Order is currently visiting the base to discuss further details of the agreement. This is going to go exactly as you think.

Four minutes into the episode, it was already delighting me in the same way that “The High Tower” had a month prior. (It’s also worth noting that both episodes were written by Stephany Folsom so well done there.) In retrospect, they’re somewhat similar. Both episodes get Kaz into the Tower, show us more of the Aces, and give us more tidbits about the First Order. Despite the similarities, both serve functions that move the story forward without being repetitive.

While it was nice to see Jace Rucklin make a return and equally nice to see Kaz being bad at spying start to have consequences, the real stars of this episode are the Dozas. Torra really does feel like an incredibly believable precocious fifteen year old which is refreshing since Star Wars sometimes struggles with letting teenagers be teenagers. She’s clearly a darn good pilot and is the youngest of the aces by far and given how overprotective her father can be, I highly doubt he helped her get that spot. She earned it. At the same time though, Torra feels real. She hates being confined to her room while the First Order is present because the Captain’s trying to protect her and yeah, video games do get boring after a while if they’re all you have to do. I love that she’s starting to see through Kaz’s very bad cover and figure him out and that makes me wonder: will she be sympathetic? After all, Women of the Galaxy told us that her mother was a pilot in the Rebellion and inspired her love for flying. Will this connection carry over to wanting to help the Resistance?

And then there’s her father: Captain Imanuel Doza who uhh has an Imperial captain’s uniform hidden in his office. I need to know more. Right now. For awhile now, Captain Doza’s been one of the character’s that has intrigued me the most in the show. He’s been hesitant to agree to a deal with the First Order and dragged his feet at every turn, only moving forward when it’s clear he feels he has no choice. Clearly one of his primary motivations is keeping his daughter safe but aside from that, he’s still something of a mystery. I don’t think the officer’s uniform in his office necessarily means he has First Order sympathies. For starters, there are plenty of people who started their lives in the Empire and whose loyalties switched at some point. Also, people keep things from past parts of their lives for different reasons and we don’t know Doza’s. Could it mean he’d be more inclined to deal with Imperials-turned-First Order officers such as Sloane or Canady? Possibly, possibly not. It’s also worth noting that we don’t know for sure that the uniform was his although I’m inclined to believe it is especially given the similarities between an officer’s cap and the one he now wears as captain of the Colossus.

Seriously. I need to know more about all of the Dozas. Give me a book or a comic or something! Please?

Dozas aside, there’s a ton to love about this episode. For starters, this is the episode that gives us the iconic “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE HYPE, WOOOHOO!” line from the trailer which automatically makes it my new favorite. While I love Team Fireball, any time we get more of the Aces in an episode makes it a good episode. They’re all such distinct characters who feel almost tantalizing because of how little we’ve gotten of them so far especially since we know there has to be a ton more to them. Our main character, Kaz, also continues to grow. He’s definitely still not great at being a spy but it feels like he’s starting to get a little bit better at it. Again, I have to cut him some slack because the boy was a pilot in the New Republic’s Navy, not Intelligence. He knows nothing about being a clandestine operative and is having to learn as he goes because the Resistance threw him into this. He’s definitely trying his best though.

“Secrets and Holograms” ups the intrigue level and leaves viewers with even more questions than before. What is the First Order up to? Where do Captain Doza’s loyalties lie? Can Torra just have her own spin off book already or something? We’ll just have to wait and see how many of the questions get answered before we break for the holidays after next week’s episode.