Resistance Review: Station to Station

It’s funny how much better this show gets when we get an episode with Tam. Sure, “Station to Station” doesn’t quite hit the same highs as “Rendezvous Point” but it’s definitely one I enjoyed more than the previous two episodes combined and yes, that’s because Tam was there.

Tosche Station: We have a Tam Ryvora Agenda

The Colossus is in trouble and needs a crucial part fast or else everyone aboard is going to die horribly. Their solution? Send Kaz and Neeku to sneak aboard a similar refueling station to steal one. The problem? 1) It’s under First Order control. 2) Tam and Rucklin have been sent there on a supply run too. 3) Also General Hux is there?

First things first, I am beyond delighted that Matt the Radar Technician’s outfit has been canonized. Okay sure it’s a little different than what we saw in the famous SNL skit but between this and the General Hux comic a few months back, it seems to be a thing that’s here to stay. It’s okay that Star Wars pokes fun at itself sometimes. At the same time… why on earth would you send Neeku on this particular mission? Kaz is… technically not the best choice since he’s never been a great spy but at least he’s (and there’s no way to not put this bluntly) human and won’t stand out as much. (And in fairness to Kaz, he has gotten a lot better at the spying thing and the mechanic thing. And upon further thought, there really aren’t that many other options.) Why not send Yaeger instead who not only knows the mechanical side of things but would also probably be a lot better at sneaking around and not loudly talking about their mission? The poor man needs something to do besides hang out with Doza as Dad #1 and Dad #2 of the Colossus.

And then there’s Tam! It’s honestly always such a joy to see her again in the show even though I constantly want to grab her and pull her to safety where people actually do care about her. Although this show hasn’t had nearly enough episodes with her in them (something we’ve discussed here before,) the ones with her have been pretty solid. I like that we’ve seen her struggle with her feelings about the people she left behind on the Colossus and with her new loyalty to the First Order. It’s especially effective in contrast to Jace Rucklin who’s drinking a lot more of the First Order Kool-Aid and who doesn’t have the call of people whom he cared about and who care for him. Maybe she’s not ready to change sides again quite yet but her interaction with Venisa Doza a few episodes back certainly seems to have had a positive effect. Hopefully her eyes open to what Agent Tierny is doing and what the First Order really is sooner rather than later… and before it’s too late to make a choice to be better.

And then there’s the matter of General Hux. Admittedly, I love that particular character more than most people but there was just something about him this episode that I didn’t care for and unfortunately, I think that has a lot to do with Ben Prendergast’s voice performance. I’m not terribly surprised that they didn’t get Domhnall Gleeson for the part this season but it’s a shame nonetheless. Gleeson has something about him when he plays the roll where as Prendergast’s performance felt a bit more like an SNL performance and it rubbed me the wrong way.

Overall, this is is definitely a step back in the right direction for Resistance. Hopefully we won’t have to wait multiple weeks again for more of Tam.