Resistance Review: Synara’s Score

I’m going to come out of the gate here and declare firmly that I loved this episode. It’s fast-paced, filled with the kind of intrigue I have always loved (in Star Wars and elsewhere) and it’s largely Tam-centric. What’s not to love?

I’ve been #TeamTam from the start and I feel like I won the review rotation lottery getting to write about this week’s episode. As much as I want to promise this review wouldn’t just be an incoherent string of, “I ship it!”, “Synara’s Score” really is largely about relationships—both personal and political. From Doza’s implicit trust of Yeager and his crew, to Tam’s willingness to meet with Kaz’s scavenger friend, to BB-8’s warning against trusting Synara too much (even when she’s been of some help), everything in this week’s episode comes down to relationships.

From Yeager’s choosing Kaz to be his helper on a major repair, we see how much their working relationship has improved, along with Kaz’s apparent skill as a mechanic. And with Neeku’s willingness to literally clap his hands over his mouth to keep from accidentally betraying a confidence, we get yet another example of his innate goodness and unquestionable loyalty. Every moment of this episode gives us some insight into the importance, the nature, and the evolution of the relationships in and around the Colossus and I am HERE FOR IT. Although the episode is high-stakes and action-packed on the surface, it’s the deep undercurrents of trust and mistrust that make it my favorite of the series so far.

Well, that and the fact that Tam gets some long-overdue screen time.

Her obvious and immediate connection to Synara (I ship it!) motivates a race to her aid during a pirate attack and Synara’s newly-forged connection to Tam causes her to punch out a pirate colleague in Tam’s defense even before she’s aware that Tam has come specifically to see to her. These events plant the seeds of a relationship that is likely to become important to the overall story down the line.

But it’s Synara’s other relationship that drives much of the action in this episode—the one with her pirate colleagues. Everything she learns about the state of the platform’s defenses is immediately shared with them, allowing for a perfectly-timed attack that eventually leads to Captain Doza beginning to seriously consider the First Order’s offer of protection. Which leaves us with the most delicious political question of the season so far: who exactly is Synara working for and where do her loyalties lie? Is she or is she not in on the higher-level scheming between her pirate crew and the First Order? How much does she know about what these pirate raids are leading to? And will her newfound connection to Tam see her loyalties change over time? We’ve already watched her punch out a pirate who knew her name—what further shift in her allegiance might be in the cards?

This week’s episode intrigued me, and left me with more questions than answers (my favorite!). Will Synara’s pirate connections be found out? Will she switch sides? Will Captain Doza agree to the First Order’s offer of protection? And will Kaz turn his attention to trying to find the other spies in their midst—seeing as he’s “never been the only spy on this platform”?

Synara’s Score was a telling, thrilling, and promising setup for episodes to come. I’m sure we’ll see more of our new pirate friend, and I can’t wait for whatever comes next!