Resistance Review: The Core Problem

The First Order is jamming all communication off the Colossus, so Kaz  — aka Lone Wolf — is trying to built a transmitter to break through the jamming and contact Poe Dameron with updates about the First Order presence on the station. Kaz isn’t great at building things, but that’s okay, because Poe Dameron just so happens to show up in Yeager’s hangar at the same time. He needs to take BB-8 on a mission to Jakku. JAKKU. You know, the place where The Force Awakens starts off. He’ll leave CB-23, that cutie, with Kaz to help complete his mission on the Colossus. However, Poe can’t just leave and be done with it. Kaz has intelligence that the First Order is up to something in a sector of the Unknown Regions. Theoretically, the First Order wants the Colossus as a refueling station or base, as it’s the last stop before the Unknown Regions. Poe decides they need to check it out before he heads off to Jakku, because he’s an overachiever.

After a dangerous stunt to get off-planet (because what other kinds of stunts does Poe Dameron know about), Kaz and Poe jump to the Unknown Regions to check on First Order activity. Only problem – the system’s sun has disappeared and the planetoids have been hollowed out, leaving only the cores intact. “Why would someone do this?” Kaz asks. A very good question. The answer, of course, is because THE FIRST ORDER IS BAD. They find a destroyed settlement on a moon, check it out, and run into the First Order. Because of course they do. They flee the moon, still none the wiser about what the First Order is doing other than they’re doing something.

So many of these First Order-centric episodes create more questions rather than provide answers, which can be frustrating. But it’s necessary, as the Resistance doesn’t really know the extent of the First Order until it’s too late. Kaz and Poe can’t learn about Starkiller Base until The Force Awakens. Although the lack of answers is frustrating, the timeline indicates this uncertainty won’t last long. Poe is off to Jakku and there’s only a few more episodes left of the season. Soon everyone on the Colossus will know exactly what the First Order is up to, and it’ll be really interesting to see how everyday normal citizens react. Especially people like Tam, who remains suspicious of Kaz’s actions and approves of the First Order presence. Will she present a problem going forward? Will we ever find out who on the Colossus, if anyone, is providing information to the First Order? And will Yeager ever decide to leave the Colossus and return to the Rebellion/Resistance?

This episode had great action sequences, including Poe and Kaz escaping the Colossus, the trips through the planetoid gravity well, and the firefight on the moon. Poe and Kaz have great chemistry together, and I hope Poe returns for the second season, no matter when exactly it takes place. While there’s no time between the events of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, Poe could show up prior to Episode IX while searching for allies for the Resistance.

The first season of Resistance has been a slow burn, but it’s definitely ramping up to an exciting conclusion. As Kaz said, “Whatever I thought the First Order was capable of, it’s much worse.” Oh Kaz, honey. You have no idea.