Resistance Review: The Doza Dilemma

Three episodes into the second half of the season and Star Wars Resistance is reminding us that it is not messing around. The mid-season trailer showed us that dark times are ahead and this episode certainly helped drive the point home.

In “The Doza Dilemma”, Synara finds herself caught between a rock and a hard place as her pirate boss Kragin orders her to assist two of his pirates with getting into the tower so they can kidnap Torra and use her as collateral against her father. It’d be less of an issue for her if it didn’t also mean Synara had to betray her new friendship with Torra. Kaz and the Aces give chase only for the First Order to intervene in a most unexpected manner.

If anything, this episode feels like proof that the First Order is smarter than most people have given them credit for. This show often feels like it’s at its best when it’s heavy on the Dozas and First Order and “The Doza Dilemma” is no exception. It’s fascinating to see how the First Order’s layered plan plays out here and it elevates them above being mustache twirling villains. (Not that there are uhhh any mustaches visible here. Except for Doza’s.) It’s hard not to wonder how many different worlds the First Order has pulled a similar trick on: create chaos and then offer protection from that very chaos in exchange for something they want. Add in how they specifically target Outer Rim worlds and it’s no wonder they were able to sail mostly under the radar until Starkiller Base.

One thing I really loved about the episode was the quiet emphasis on female friendships. Sure, Kaz is around and plays a key role in the episode but Synara is the true star this week with Torra in a strong supporting role. The episode even begins with Torra and Tam casually hanging out and playing darts. Sure Kaz comes with the ladies to play that new video game Torra has but he’s the tag along this time around. On a related note, it’s awesome to see Torra forming these bonds. She’s clearly been somewhat isolated living in that tower and desperate for friendship that the other Aces don’t seem to be giving her. I hope we get to see more with Torra and Tam chilling out in their spare time.

Finally, while Kaz is in more of a supporting role this time, “The Doza Dilemma” highlights how much he’s grown. He’s actually getting a little better at this whole spying and sneaking around thing. What I truly love though is that his heart hasn’t changed even as he’s wised up. His first instinct is still to help Torra with no thought of the risk to himself. At the end of the episode, he asks Synara about the people he saw her talking with. The Kaz from the season’s start would have immediately accused her of being a pirate. This Kaz merely nods and acts like he accepts her excuse while filing the information away for later. (I’m so proud of him. SO PROUD.)

“The Doza Dilemma” is another solid episode of Star Wars Resistance, delving deeper into the First Order’s plan while highlighting Synara who’s been an unexpectedly delightful character who’s already rising above her initial introduction. Add in Torra and her father and we’ve got a pretty awesome episode. I can’t wait to see the ramifications next week.