Resistance Review: The High Tower

Star Wars Resistance considerably raises the stakes for Kaz–and the citizens of the Colossus–in its latest episode, “The High Tower.”

Although Kaz still has a lot to learn about spying, and his technique could certainly use a little work, he finally uncovers the First Order’s nefarious plans for the station when he’s invited into Captain Doza’s tower.

The episode kicks off with a bang: Kaz and Team Fireball find themselves bumbling around in the dark as the Colossus’s lights go out. Fuel shortages are leading to power rationing at the station, leaving Kaz, Neeku, and Tam with nothing to do. To kill time, they head to Aunt Z’s.

Aunt Z might not have hair, but she’s still full of secrets. She lets slip to Kaz that Captain Doza, the Colossus’s leader, is getting into deeper trouble in dealings with the First Order. Kaz decides that the only way to confirm Aunt Z’s suspicions is to find a way into Doza’s exclusive residence, the Tower. Of course, only Doza, the Ace pilots, and invited guests are allowed to enter.

Kaz’s scheming is interrupted by the arrival of Hype Fazon, the most decorated of the Aces. Star-struck, Kaz immediately goes over to introduce himself–and pump Hype for a little information. Hype confirms that Doza will be meeting with First Order representatives that night, and that Hype wants nothing to do with it. In the background of their conversation, Tam silently fumes; she reveals that she and Hype were close friends before he became an Ace, but he left her behind in his rise to the top.

Kaz takes a stroll around the station to see what else he can discover. Under the cover of darkness, he spies the First Order bringing a fuel tanker to dock with the Colossus. On board is none other than Major Vonreg in all his red-armored glory. Kaz is all the more determined to get into Doza Tower, and another run-in with Hype provides him with the perfect excuse: The rodian invites Kaz, Tam, and BB-8 to the Tower’s exclusive Aces Lounge.

Kaz indulges in a few snacks before getting back to work. As he sneaks off to find Doza’s office, Tam has it out with Hype. She accuses him of forgetting their friendship, while he claims she’ll never be an Ace until she devotes some cold, hard credits to a ship that isn’t at risk of immediately exploding. Furious, Tam leaves without Kaz and heads back to Aunt Z’s.

Meanwhile, Kaz figures out the perfect way to find out what’s going on during Doza’s meeting with the First Order. He drops one of the comlinks he and Neeku had been experimenting with on the tray of a server droid, then stands outside and listens in. What he hears is disturbing: The First Order is offering Doza protection from the pirates who have been plaguing the Colossus (Doza, of course, has no idea that the First Order is purposefully directing these attacks), in return for control of the station. As if that weren’t enough, the First Order has also been cutting off the station’s fuel supplies as a way to put pressure on the captain. The tanker Vonreg rode in on, in fact, is a bribe for Doza’s compliance. Although Doza threatens to file grievances with the New Republic, Vonreg calls his bluff: Doza can’t go through formal channels without revealing his own business with the galaxy’s underworld.

Kaz knows it’s only a matter of time before Doza gives in to the First Order, for the safety of the Colossus’s residents. As he tries to make his escape, however, his comm comes in close proximity with the one he’d left with the serving droid. The resulting feedback tells Vonreg and his stormtrooper goons exactly where Kaz is, leading to a wild chase. Luckily, BB-8 is always ready to save the day. When Kaz returns to Team Fireball HQ, he prepares to let Poe know about his findings. Doza, meanwhile, is determined to find out who Kaz is and why he’s been sneaking around.

“The High Tower” finally gets to the heart of Resistance‘s conflict: The Colossus, a strategically important refueling station, is truly in danger from the First Order. With Doza almost completely ensnared in the First Order’s plot to take control of the station, Kaz’s intelligence is more critical than ever.

This episode also gives us tantalizing hints about Tam and Hype’s pasts, which are no doubt rich material for future episodes. It’s especially exciting to see the show begin to bridge Team Fireball and the Aces. Resistance is packed with characters, so it’s important to take the time to introduce them all properly, but we’re definitely eager to finally meet everyone and see how they all interact with each other.

We also get a few fun details in Torra’s bedroom. Kaz accidentally stumbles into it during his flight from the stormtroopers, and his quick glance around reveals that Torra is a huge fan of Sabine Wren’s artwork: Viewers can spot the Rebels artist’s firebird on Torra’s wall, and many fans have already noted the Sabine-style “5” on Torra’s pauldron. We also get a glimpse of Torra’s truly impressive stuffed animal collection. Jyn’s dolls from Rogue One can eat their hearts out.

We hope you enjoyed this episode as much as we did! Join us again next week for our recap and thoughts on “The Children from Tehar.”