Review: Darth Vader #14

Look.  Do you know what’s not okay?  That cover to the right by Mark Brooks because MY HEART STARTED POUNDING WHEN I THOUGHT THAT JUST MAY HK-47 WAS BACK BUT NOOOOOO IT’S JUST SOME OTHER RANDOM DROID.  *breathes*

Vader Down is back this week with Darth Vader #14 by Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca.  When last we left our heroes, Leia was facing off against Darth Vader… which always goes well for people.

Despite this issue being action packed, it felt a little bit slower in comparison to the last few.  That’s not a bad thing though because honestly? I can only take Vader terrifying me so many times in a row.  What Darth Vader #14 does do really well is put some solid character moments into the mix.  I recently read an interview from Gillen where he mentioned that Vader Down is testing out how some of the characters react to each other in this three year gap between films and no where was it more evident than with Leia and Vader.  Not only is there a difference between how they react to each other now but this is an incredibly telling moment for Leia.  In just a few pages, her commitment to the Rebel Alliance coupled with the permanent weight of Alderaan that she carries around have never been more evident.  It’s very well done.

The levity breaks are still around in this issue.  As per usual, the Murder Bots are turning out to be worth their weight in gold and poor Threepio is going to need a vacation after this.  Gillen did a good day’s work when he came up with the idea for Dr. Aphra and the Murder Bots.  (That’s the name of my cover band, by the way.)

Vader Down continues to be fantastic and I can’t wait to pick up the next issue!