Review: Doctor Aphra #12

I usually try and keep these spoiler free but today? Today we’re talking spoilers. You have been warned.

Doctor Aphra #12 is trying to low key kill me. No, not just this issue but the entire arc. Why? (You might ask.) Well. Kieron Gillen started it with a fancy party which just delighted me because who doesn’t love some good dramatic theatre while organizing a black market auction? (People with no joy in their hearts, that’s who.) Obviously, because it’s Aphra, it all went wrong but not even she could have predicted that the two murder droids would call DARTH FREAKING VADER and I’ve been freaking out ever since.
This is, without a doubt, the most game changing issue for Aphra since Darth Vader #25 and that was a series ender and also a set up for her own book. Ever since then, we’ve seen the good doctor continue to make her way in the galaxy along with her team while also keeping her head down and out of Vader’s sight. Over the course of this issue, we watch as she’s left with no real choice but to free Triple Zero and BeeTee and as Krrsantan leaves her behind. Oh yeah: and Vader’s on the ship with her. The only good thing is that he doesn’t actually know she’s there and he’s only after the ancient Jedi consciousness but all of that could change very quickly. I am very concerned about my girl.
In a way, it’s somewhat fitting that we’re having a lot of huge things go down. It’s the penultimate issue of the arc and Doctor Aphra #14 will be the first with Simon Spurrier sharing writing duties. While we still don’t know how things will shake down for Aphra after next issue, Doctor Aphra #12 certainly sets things up to be different. How will the book change without a wookiee and two murder droids backing everyone’s favorite space lesbian up?
I do like to try and take a moment to discuss art but there’s not all that much to say except that I continue to be a fan of Kev Walker and find him to be a great fit for this book. He drew a remarkably good Vader in one particular panel and I am 100% here for more tank-top wearing Aphra who has definitely been hiding some muscles under those fabulous jackets.
Even though it has me worried, I am 100% on board with where this arc is going and please give me the next issue right now. Please?

Doctor Aphra #12: Kieron Gillen/Writer, Kev Walker/Penciler, Marc Deering/Inks, Antonio Fabela/Colors, Joe Caramagna/Letterer, Heather Antos/Assistant Editor, Jordan D. White/Editor

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  1. Pingback: Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #12 – Mynock Manor

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