Review: Han Solo #2

Come on: you didn’t really think that this secret Rebel Alliance mission was just going to involve a high stakes space race, did you? Of course, the Dragon Void race is no mere race. Anakin Skywalker may have won the Boonta but I think even he would have a little trouble here. Marjorie Liu is most certainly committed to making sure that we get more than just the cocky smuggler side of Han Solo; something that more than a few writers have forgotten to do. And sure: Han is definitely cocky and brash but he’s also a pretty smart guy as evidenced by how he figured out the trick to the race’s opening—something that only one other pilot realized.

Something I’m definitely enjoying about this comic is how it’s helping broaden the universe.  Now we’re getting to see folks who don’t quite fall into the Underworld categorization but they’re still from the less civilized part of the galaxy and they’re really excited about this race.  The spectators have such a great ‘normal citizen’ feel and just like so many normal citizens in our world, they want to get autographs!  In the grand scheme of the story, it’s not a very big thing but it’s something that really stuck out to me nonetheless.

Mark Brooks (with some help from Sonia Obark’s colors) continues to be a delight on art. The highlights from this issue would definitely be the costume design for a female Falleen and the more humorous Chewbacca facial expressions.  Chewie can be a tough cookie to crack when it comes to artist renditions but I’m definitely enjoying Brooks’ take.

Han Solo continues to be a really fun book and I can’t wait to see where the Imperial entanglements take us in Issue #3.

Han Solo #2: Marjorie Liu/Writer, Mark Brooks/Artist, Sonia Oback/Colors, Joe Caramagna/Letterer, Jordan White/Editor, Heather Antos/Assistant Editor