Review: Kanan #11

Today… today is a big day.  So let’s start by me providing you with a soundtrack and then we’ll start the last ever gif review for the ever amazing Kanan comic by Greg Weisman and Pepe Larraz.

Let’s do this.


This is an action packed issue of Kanan with both Caleb and Depa fight their enemies and their own inner struggles and win.  It’s satisfying as hell and oh so beautifully drawn.  Too bad we know that things don’t go well for this master/padawan duo on Kaller…

Obviously this isn’t the end of the line for Kanan (we’ve got one issue left to wrap up the modern day story) but it is the end of the line for both Pepe Larraz’s art and the gif reviews for this book.  It’s been a hell of a lot of fun and I’ll miss this bright spot in my pull list each month.  One can only hope that we’ll get to see Larraz drawing more Star Wars some day soon.  Until that day though…