Review: Poe Dameron #20

Black Squadron: Not actually doing all that great
Lor San Tekka: Also not doing all that great

Poe Dameron #20 emphasizes that the Resistance is probably lucky that they even have a base and any matching uniforms. In terms of size and strength, they definitely aren’t on par with the Rebel Alliance. The Resistance is closer to being like just one of the original rebel cells before they became a part of the larger group… albeit it with more famous names attached. It’s fantastic how the books and comics can help flesh out the galaxy during the time.

Wait. Let me amend my first: Poe’s actually doing pretty good. He’s got his fancy x-wing back! Snap, Karé, and Jess though? Not so much. I won’t spoil those specifics for you but I will say that there is a delightfully meta BB-8 joke that made me giggle.

Gotta say though… “Legend Found” as an arc title does make me wonder curious about the future of the comic. We’ve always assumed that Jakku was the first time that Poe was meeting Lor San Tekka but given the title and this set up issue… maybe that’s not the case which in turn raises a lot of questions about that meeting. Perhaps “This will begin to make things right” doesn’t mean what we’ve always thought.

“Legend Found” is a nice start to the arc and while I’m certainly excited to finally get to know Lor San Tekka a little more, I think I’m even more excited about getting to see Black Squadron fly a mission while trying to deal with their own personal struggles. (Jessika Pava. I just want to see more Jess Pava all the time.)

Poe Dameron #20: Charles Soule/Writer, Angel Unzueta/Artist, Arif Prianto/Colorist, Joe Caramagna/Letterer, Jordan White/Editor, Heather Antos/Assistant Editor