Review: Princess Leia #4

Did you think that Princess Leia #3 was too slow? Too formulaic? BOY DO I HAVE A COMIC FOR YOU THEN. Princess Leia #4 by Mark Waid and Terry Dodson is out in comic stores today and it DEFINITELY takes things up a notch.

Thus far, Leia’s mission to save her remaining Alderaanians have been successful with only a few bumps along the way. Problem is, they have an unknowing traitor in their midst in the form of young Tace and her sister Tula. Add in the reunification talks with Espirion and there’s a lot at stake for the remnants of Alderaan.

Waid manages to pack a lot into about twenty pages worth of story; enough that it’s rather impressive. This is one of those issues where we really get to see all the facets of Leia as a person and as a leader. It’s not hard to see the lessons learned from Breha and Bail about ruling by listening to your people and caring about them as opposed to being totalitarian. It’s fitting for a woman who carries the guilt of her planet’s destruction on her shoulders along with the responsibility for all those left.

Evaan has taken a bit of a more backseat these last two issues but she’s still definitely the standout new character in these books who will hopefully have a lot of staying power in this new canon. The evolution of her relationship with Leia has been absolutely fascinating to watch especially when contrasted with the other prominent Alderaanians featured in the book.

Terry Dodson’s art continues to be lovely and Jordie Bellaire’s colors elevate the book to whole new level of pretty. Everything about Tace’s hair and nails is just spot on perfection. Honestly, what else is there to say at this point?

Princess Leia #4 gets a strong 4/5 from me this month along with lots of anticipation for the finale issue.