Running out of money. Running out of time. They’re running out of places to hide, and they ran out of friends a long time ago. And now, Malcolm Reynolds and crew are finding themselves not only between the proverbial rock and hard place–but between the hard place and the vacuum of space.
On the heels of Leaves on the Wind #1, things are just getting worse for Serenity‘s crew, and now Mal’s having to make decisions that will leave readers shocked–and that’s not even the worst part. Old enemies have returned.
If possible, the writing has gotten even better in this issue, and Zack Whedon has a plot that will keep you hooked on every issue moving forward. I’m still not a fan of the art, but there are panels that look much better than in the first issue, so it’s also improving. But while I’m not a fan of the art, the writing Whedon is doing is amazing enough that I would pick this up even if it was drawn with stick figures.
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