Review: Spark of the Resistance

The Rise of Skywalker is coming which means our Journey has begun. (Get it? Get it?) Last week, Lucasfilm kicked off their publishing program with Spark of the Resistance by Justina Ireland, a middle grade novel from Disney Lucasfilm Press. Rey, Rose, and Poe are on their way back from a supply mission when they receive a distress call and decide to investigate. Soon, they find themselves pulled into a fight back against the First Order as our heroes race to stop them before they can find a weapon that could spell disaster for the Resistance.

Oh yeah. And also, there are green murder rabbits.

Spark of the Resistance is a relatively small-scale story but it feels important as a reminder of what even a few people can do to fight back. When last we saw the Resistance, they were reduced to a handful of people who could all fit aboard the Millennium Falcon. This book is one of our first glimpses into how they’re rebuilding in the time between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. This Resistance feels more like the old Rebel Alliance now more than ever as they’re now the scrappy underdogs again.

One of the best things about this book is something I didn’t even realize until listening to Ireland speak on a panel at New York Comic Con on Saturday. This is the first time we’ve really gotten to see Poe, Rose, and Rey interact for any significant amount of time. Ireland said the prospect of creating those dynamics was daunting but I think she did a fantastic job with it. Early in the book, there’s some tension between Poe and Rey that emphasizes how they don’t really know or understand each other yet. Most of what they know about each other is probably from what Finn’s said or that they’ve heard from the rest of the Resistance.

The First Order bad guys feel appropriate for the story. While I personally usually prefer a tiny bit more nuance from villains, I also appreciate that Commander Branwayne Spiftz is just not a good person who cares more about his own personal gain within the First Order and how shiny his boots are than the feelings of others especially since this book is targeted at the 8-12 year old range. (Also, can we take a moment to appreciate the perfect absurdity that is his name?) The weapon they’re searching for absolutely feels like something the Empire would’ve wanted to build and that would be devastating in the hands of Kylo Ren and the First Order without it also being another planet destroyer.

Ultimately, Spark of the Resistance is a fun, easy read about doing the right thing, fighting back against the bad guys, and helping others in need whenever you can. If you’re looking for more Rey, Rose, or Poe, this is absolutely something you should pick up and it’s also a great choice if you’re hungry for more Sequel Trilogy content.