Review: Star Wars #24

Say hello to the payoff we’ve been waiting for since that very first tease of Scar Squadron. Sergeant Kreel’s stormtroopers are finally clashing with our barebones Rebel Star Destroyer crew! How does that work out for Leia, Luke, and Han? Well… uhhh… not terribly well.

This was definitely a doomed mission from the start but there’s something intriguing about how Leia and the rest keep fighting despite the odds being progressively more stacked against them. Jason Aaron really nails Leia’s characterization with how dedicated she is to the mission and the overarching Rebellion. Add that to how awesome Sana’s been this issue and more and more? The Star Wars book’s strength is becoming its women.

Issue #24 definitely has more of that classic Star Wars feel than last month’s Han And Leia Are Going To Win Even If It Kills Them issue did. There’s also a heck of a lot action. Visually, Jorge Molina’s artwork throughout the issue is awesome. Scar Squadron is comprised of troopers who not only have different kits but also have different fighting styles. Some people may not like seeing Kreel wield a lightsaber against Luke but within the story, it all works rather well. It’s worth noting that this is also a story that couldn’t take place anywhere else because Luke’s definitely still very much a novice when it comes to lightsaber dueling.

Here’s the thing though: it wouldn’t matter what else happened in this issue because that last page? Yeah, that last page makes it all worth it. What happens? Well, you’ll just have to read the issue and find out.

Star Wars #24: Jason Aaron/Writer, Jorge Molina/Artist, Matt Milla/Colorist, Chris Eliopoulos/Letterer, Jordan White/Editor, Heather Antos/Assistant Editor