Review: Star Wars: Legacy #16

The last arc of Star Wars: Legacy kicks off today as Legacy #16 hits comic store shelves.  Don’t worry though: Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman are hardly going to just coast through these final few issues and there are always some surprises awaiting readers in Legacy…

This review contains some spoilers.

When last we saw our heroes, Ania Solo had been rescued from her mysterious hunter and also exonerated during her trial.  As is the nature of the galaxy though, Jao Assam was arrested for deserting the Knights.  Clearly Ania will be having none of that so she sets out to try and have him freed only for Jao to seemingly escape.  Nothing’s quite what it seems though from Jao’s escape to the Empress Fel herself.

I’m going to sound like a broken record for the next few months but it is a damn shame that this book has to end so soon because it’s clear that Bechko and Hardman could have gone on for years with this book and it wouldn’t have lost its charm and intrigue.  Every storyline seems to flow naturally based upon what came before while still having defined starts and ends to each plot.

Characters are the defining parts of this issue.  Readers finally get a better look at Empress Marasiah Fel and the woman she is aside beneath the crown or rather the woman she has to be while wearing it and while staying true to herself.  On the flip side, readers finally got the backstory for Darth Wredd straight from his own lips.  It might not be a particularly new one but it definitely fits and helps explain the Sith Lord we saw all the way back in the first few issues.

With a new arc comes the artist switch and Brian Thies takes over for these final few issues.  This issue, I particularly loved the subtle differences in how he and colorist Jordan Boyd did the flashback pages.  The overall choices in palette and barest shift in style make it noticeable but yet not jarring.  On a completely different note, Thies’ design for Marasiah’s outfit this issue is gloriously regal and her great-great-something-grandmother Amidala would probably approve of it.

Do I even need to include this line anymore?  Star Wars: Legacy gets a 4/5 from me along with a strong recommendation.