Review: Star Wars: Myths & Fables

From the minute one picks up a copy, it is immediately obvious that Star Wars: Myths & Fables is not like other Star Wars books. Written by George Mann with illustrations by Grant Griffin, Myths & Fables collects nine brand new stories set in the galaxy far, far away, some of which feature familiar faces and others which star completely new characters. Throughout the book though runs an inherent sense of the galaxy and the sort of stories that bring all of us together. Myths and fables are, after all, universal.

It’s worth pointing out how the book itself actually looks. This is one where buying a physical copy instead of digital is highly recommended. It’s a distinct sized book and has the feel of a collection of fairy tales from the binding to the paper. The end papers are also the most beautiful shade of metallic blue that even has a neat feel to it. Myths & Fables is pretty and it knows it. This is the type of book that begs to be kept in a handy shelf on your bookshelf and read and reread often.

This is also the sort of book that Star Wars fans with younger children should particularly consider picking up. As previously mentioned, it has a very book of fairy tales feel to it and that’s both inside and out. Myths & Fables could easily be the sort of book that a parent reads a story from to their child(ren) before bed every night and that the kid then sneaks off the shelf later because they want to immerse themself in the world again by either reading ahead or rereading their favorite.

As is to be expected, some of the stories are more enticing than others. “The Knight & The Dragon” and “Gaze of Stone” were two standouts. It’s hard to say no to dragons and the story of the statue felt particularly chilling. Griffin’s artwork absolutely adds to the epic feel of each story. One can easily believe this book was found in a home on Coruscant and that these tales have been passes down and taken a nature of their own over the years.

Star Wars: Myths & Fables is the sort of book that needs to be experienced. Pick up a copy for yourself, curl up in a comfortable chair, and let it pull you into the mythic side of the galaxy again.

Thank you to Disney Lucasfilm Press for providing a copy of the book for review purposes.