Review: Star Wars: Rebel Heist #2

It’s a very Star Wars week as Rebel Heist #2 by Matt Kindt and Marco Castiello is released in comic store everywhere today.  How does this second issue stand up against the first?

While Han Solo has managed to land himself in prison, Princess Leia is halfway across the galaxy.  And oh boy is she handling her mission much more competently and professionally than he was.  That doesn’t mean it won’t be tough to get the Alliance’s agent off of Feddasyr.

I have to give it to Matt Kindt: he certainly did the unexpected with this issue.  When I first heard about this book, I expected it to just be a Han Solo limited series.  Instead, Kindt has followed up on the promise from the final page of last issue.  I’m not sure that I completely agree with Kindt’s interpretation of Leia Organa which seems to fall a little more in line with the Leia that Dark Horse has been putting out lately.  On the one hand, I’m always a fan of watching female characters getting out there and getting things done competently.  On the other, I’m not so sure that hands-on, active field agent spy is really who Leia Organa is especially given the timeline.  (Sorry to all other writers: Martha Wells’ interpretation of Leia in Razor’s Edge set a ridiculously high standard for the rest of you.)

All of that aside though, this was definitely still an enjoyable issue.  I love how Kindt has set up each issue and tells the story about these characters we know so well through the eyes of brand new rebels.  It’s refreshing to see them through the eyes of someone new and the contrast between the hero worship of Han and the skepticism for Leia is interesting.  I’m intrigued to see how Kindt will handle the next two issues and to see how he will eventually link together thus far unrelated stories into one cohesive tale or if he even does so.

Marco Castiello’s artwork is decent enough although the way he draws Leia in some panels veers far too much into the male gaze arena for my tastes.  The posturing as she changes clothes is unnecessary and there is a gratuitous butt shot in there towards the end.  That said, I do rather like the white bodysuit Castiello puts her in regardless of how illogical white is for a catsuit.  (It gets so dirty!)  I’d probably suggest away from Leia wearing her signature double bun hairstyle if she’s trying to be undercover though.

Despite my Leia quibbles, Rebel Heist #2 continues strongly and gets a 4/5 from me.