Review: The Rising Storm

It’s a two-for-one High Republic day as today also sees the publication of The Rising Storm by Cavan Scott. Hope you’re ready for plenty more High Republic stories and feelings because they are not holding back. Seriously.

It’s been months since the Great Disaster and everyone’s been working towards healing in their own ways. In the spirit of unity, Chancellor Lina Soh announces the Republic Fair. The event brings together people from across the galaxy including some of the Jedi as ambassadors of sorts. But it also attracts attention from none other than the Nihil… and that never, ever goes well…

I recommend going into this book as spoiler free as possible. while I do try and write my reviews here as spoiler free as possible, I need to allude to something so if you haven’t been reading Twitter vague reactions, skip this paragraph. To put it bluntly: yes, the reactions of basically everyone who got an early copy of the book indicating that this book gut punched them are accurate. I thought I’d make it through without the feels but I did not. The last chapters destroyed me. So, you know, maybe have something comforting on hand for your read. Or don’t. I’m not the boss of you.

Okay. Vague spoilers over.

The Rising Storm is a solid follow up to Light of the Jedi as we go to the Republic Fair. The main cast this time around feels about evenly split between those we got points of view chapters from in Light of the Jedi (ie: everyone’s favorite good soft boy Bell Zettifar) and new characters like Ty Yorrick. Ty, by the way, is one of those characters for whom I would like an entire backstory novel and then an entire “current day” adventure novel. Scott does a good job with handling the large cast and making sure to giving the core heroes equal time. (Interestingly enough, it did feel as if the Nihil had less of a presence while still being the main antagonists although that could just be perception.)

I read The Rising Storm after Race To Crashpoint Tower and found I had a somewhat opposite reaction to how the books overlapped. Perhaps someone who reads this one first might be able to gloss past the events but it felt more like you as a reader were missing something when Ty Yorrick went off to play her role in Race To Crashpoint Tower. This is, of course, pure speculation but I’m wondering if perhaps there’s an expectation that those reading the adult novel will also be picking up the others? Regardless, this isn’t that big of a detraction and if it gets more people to read the middle grade novels, I’ll chalk that up as a win.

I am, however, once again begging for Lucasfilm publishing to please include a dramatis personae list in the front of at least the Del Rey novel. Characters are starting to feel more familiar now that we’re in wave two but also, the main book has a larger cast than the other stories. Maybe it’s just me struggling with this, maybe it’s not but it would be nice to have something to refer to within the book instead of having to google.

But those complaints (if you want to call them that) aside, this is a darn good book. The Rising Storm is yet another a well written entry in the High Republic that isn’t afraid to put its characters through the wringer and tug at your heartstrings the entire time. It’s a definite must read for those who are enjoying the High Republic and not just because this is where the main plot is happening. It’s a must read because BELL ZETTIFAR. Duh.

(Okay but seriously, Star Wars: Can we get a book that’s nothing but Bell and Ember having a nice, relaxing day? Pretty please?)

Thank you to Del Rey for providing an advance copy of the book for review purposes.