Rumor: Episode VII cast breakdown

This comes via Bleeding Cool and is very much a rumor, so take it with as many grains of salt as you need. Supposedly, there’s a cast breakdown for Episode VII floating around.

Late-teen female, independent, good sense of humour, fit.

Young twenty-something male, witty and smart, fit but not traditionally good looking.

A late twentysomething male, fit, handsome and confident.

Seventy-something male, with strong opinions and tough demeanour. Also doesn’ t need to be particularly fit.

A second young female, also late teens, tough, smart and fit.

Forty something male, fit, military type.

Thirtysomething male, intellectual. Apparently doesn’t need to be fit.

Again, apply as much skepticism as you need. Even if this list is true, there’s always the possibility that the casting will change as the movie is still very much in the pre-production stages.

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