Rumor: Star Wars actors to make appearance at D23 Expo

According to The Hollywood Reporter’s Disney insiders, there may be some familiar faces making an appearance at the D23 Expo this year:

The bi-annual event, taking place Aug. 9-11 at the Anaheim Convention Center, will feature a strong Star Wars presence, with Disney planning events like Darth Vader: The Evolution of a Villain, showing the development of the villain, to Crash Course in the Fourse: Star Wars Saga 101.

Insiders say some Star Wars actors may be making appearances during the D23 Expo, confirming their participation in the J.J. Abrams-directed sequel trilogy — which is expected to hit theaters in 2015. (Filming is expected to begin in early 2014 in the U.K.)

Confirming their participation in the Sequel Trilogy? Possible, if it isn’t confirmed first at Celebration Europe.