Rumor/Spoiler: EW accidentally leaks Star Trek 2 villain identity?

Benedict-Cumberbatch-Star-Trek-Into-DarknessBelieve it or not, it’s a rumor that has nothing to do with Star Wars. We’ve all been wondering for months now, with breath just a little more baited after the Super Bowl teaser trailer…just who is Benedict Cumberbatch playing in Star Trek: Into Darkness?

Well, it turns out that Entertainment Weekly may have just accidentally let this carefully kept cat right out of the bag. According to The Atlantic Wire, as EW was working on updating their back issue pages, someone put a descriptor on the page.

So who is it? We won’t say right here, but if you’re ready for the big reveal, there be spoilers after the jump.

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, according to The Atlantic Wire, our months of supposition have not been in vain. Benedict Cumberbatch is playing Khan. Now, is this true? We still don’t know. It could be wishful thinking on the part of a data entry clerk at EW, but personally, after seeing the Super Bowl teaser, I’m leaning more and more towards Khan myself. (And honestly, if it’s not, I think I might be just a little disappointed!)