I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying.
Holonet Blast #94
Happy Monday, Star Wars fans! (Yes, it's Monday, and I absolutely didn't forget that I was supposed to write this over the long weekend. No you shut up) Juuuuuust a bit of news last week, but none bigger than this: That's right - the still-untitled Star Wars: Episode IX has wrapped principal…
In "Holonet Blast"

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 to Premiere at Celebration Anaheim
Are you a fan of Star Wars Rebels? Are you attending Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim? Well, you're in luck! Dave Filoni and the cast of Rebels will be in attendance, but that's not all. Season 2 will premiere at Celebration, following an encore presentation of the Season 1 finale.…
In "Celebration Anaheim"

Star Wars Celebration Schedule is Posted!
The "Nine Feet of Awesome" (trademark Mary Franklin/aka the Star Wars Celebration Anaheim schedule) is now live! It's still incomplete and not yet on the Celebration app, but you can skim it over and start fretting over panel conflicts now! Edit: The schedule is now live in the app!
In "Celebration Anaheim"
No, you’re crying!