Snyder Rep Denies Stand-Alone Star Wars Film Rumor

Yesterday, Vulture reported that 300 director Zack Snyder was in the running to get a stand-alone Star Wars film that would be based on the classic Seven Samurai.  A short while later, a Snyder rep got on the phone with The Hollywood Reporter and shot those rumors down.

But in an exclusive statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Snyder’s spokesperson says: “While he is super-flattered because he is a huge fan, Zack is not involved in any way with the new Star Wars. He is currently in post on his two films, Man of Steel and 300: Battle of Artemisia.

That means no Episode VIIVIII or IX and no offshoot movies, the rep confirms.

Well there you go. And as always, this is a reminder that until it comes from Lucasfilm itself, it’s just a rumor. Not confirmed. Just. A. Rumor.