Star Wars: 1313 Won’t Let You be a Jedi

Gaming blog Kotaku had a chance to sit down with Lucasarts to talk about their upcoming new franchise in the Star Wars videogame realm. One of the tidbits dropped? You won’t get the chance to play as a Jedi.

“It’s not that I think that that’s overdone,” says Robillard. “But the criminal underworld of 1313is a little more grounded and that has to live in the mechanics of the game. Having mechanics that are limited by human ability makes things more relatable, then we can put all the cool stuff you can do into the gadgets and weapons.”

“You still get to do all of these amazing things because of the environment the game takes place in and because of the gear you have,” he continues. “But at the core you still have these vulnerabilities that are a bit more relatable, so you won’t have the demigod complex of a Jedi.” If you fall in 1313, Robillard sums up, you know you’re going to be in trouble.

You know what? I’m perfectly okay with this. If you’ve ever listened to the podcast (such as our latest! With Aaron Allston! Shameless plug!), you know one of my big things I really want to see from Star Wars is a bit more of a focus put on non-Force sensitive characters. It’s a big, grand universe. Show that to us every now and then!