Star Wars: Attack Squadrons announced

Yesterday, Star announced Star Wars: Attack Squadrons, a multiplayer online game being developed by Disney Interactive and Area 52. All we’ve really got right now is this pre-rendered cinematic and a few screenshots of what might be in-game action. I can’t even find anything on developer Area 52, which appears to be a new studio that’s working with Disney to create the game.

Attack Squadrons is being designed as a free-to-play game boasting three PVP modes and customizable starfighters. I would guess that this means there will be some sort of microtransaction system that players can buy into, but we’ll probably hear about that later. For now, you can sign up for the beta testing program.

Perhaps this is the long awaited spiritual successor to X-wing vs. TIE Fighter. I certainly wouldn’t say no to a game like that which takes advantage of far more available broadband access as compared to the late 90s.

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